Program Graduation Requirements

The program requirements published in this Catalog are accurate at the time of publication. The most up-to-date requirements for each program are published annually in the form of a Degree Sheet.

New Students

Students who enter the College for the first time on or after September 1, 2015 are required to follow the program graduation requirements in effect at the time of their acceptance.  For example, a student entering in the Fall 2015 semester must meet program graduation requirements that are in effect in the 2014/2015 academic year and are outlined in their 2014/2015 program Degree Sheet.

Updates to program graduation requirements are published every October 1; therefore, 2015/2016 program graduation requirements become effective October 1, 2015 and are used by students entering in the subsequent academic year.

New students beginning their attendance on or after September 1, 2015 must meet program graduation requirements from a 2014/15 or subsequent Degree Sheet.

Re-Admit Students

Students who entered the College prior to September 1, 2015 and are formally re-admitted after that date can follow the program graduation requirements that best expedites their graduation as long as the Degree Sheet was published within the last five (5) years from their most recent re-admit date.  For example, a student who started in 2006 and who was re-admitted in 2015/2016 can follow any program graduation requirements' Degree Sheet published in 2010/2011 or later.

Students should work closely with an academic advisor to be certain that all graduation requirements are met.

Graduation and Filing for a Degree

Degrees are conferred three times each year in December, May and August. Commencement exercises are held at the conclusion of the Spring semester and all eligible students are urged to attend.

The Application for Degree must be submitted to Records and Registration by the deadlines listed in the Schedule of Classes. If there are unmet degree requirements, the degree application may not be approved.

Students are charged a non-refundable fee of $30 upon applying for graduation. Students applying for more than one degree are charged an additional $20 per degree. Although the fee is non-refundable, students who fail to graduate will not be charged an additional fee if they subsequently re-apply for the same degree.