Policy Manual

5.10 Maternity Leave


To establish a policy that allows full-time, female employee’s partial paid leave of absence for the birth of her child.


Full-time female employees of Rochester University.


Maternity leave is covered under the University’s short-term disability policy (stated above) as well as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). A female employee will receive disability pay at 50% of her regular pay for the certified leave. The University requires a statement by a medical doctor certifying the length of time the employee is unable to work. Typically, it is six weeks for a vaginal birth and eight weeks for a cesarean section birth. Additional weeks will be granted with a medical doctor’s certification of extended disability. Once disability is exhausted, the employee may use the remainder of her twelve weeks of FMLA leave, which is unpaid. (see policy stated above). Employees must notify the Human Resources Office as soon as possible after the birth of the child.