Policy Manual

16.7 Facility Use and Scheduling


The responsibility for scheduling the use of campus facilities will reside with the Events Coordinator. This office will manage facility use, scheduling, and rental agreements. All requests are to be made through this office. RU academic use will hold first priority in all cases.

No facility may be used without appropriate approval and a completed Facility Use Agreement. The gymnasium may be used for basketball, volleyball, and other sports, which do not damage the floor finish. Activities such as indoor hockey, roller-blading, and similar activities are prohibited at all times.

Employee Use of Facilities

Personnel are authorized to use University facilities as a benefit of employment. Personal use of facilities should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • University employees may use campus facilities on a “space-available” basis any time for personal use. Personal use is defined as use by the employee or the employee’s immediate family. The facilities may be reserved on a “rent-free” basis. However, employee use of campus facilities may not supersede a currently scheduled or future scheduled paying customer or University-sponsored activity.
  • University personnel may use campus facilities for non-personal use provided the facility is reserved, the “Facility Use Agreement” is completed and the fee is paid. Non-personal use is defined as any use which includes individuals outside the employee’s immediate family such as church groups, sports teams, clubs, etc. A waiver of the fee or a reduction may be granted under special, pre-approved conditions only. The “Facility Use Agreement” shall be used at all times and the employee shall be responsible according to that Agreement.

Official Sports Activities

Official University sports functions shall be identified to the Athletic Director with dates, times, and facilities required by July 15, for the forthcoming academic year. Changes to this schedule shall be approved by the Events Coordinator based on prior scheduled commitments for the facility.

Clubs and University-sponsored Activities

Official University activities shall be identified to the Dean of Students with dates, times, and facilities required by July 15, for the forthcoming academic year. Changes to this schedule shall be approved for facility use based on prior scheduled commitments for the facility.

Non-employee Use

Use of facilities by non-University personnel shall be approved based on facility availability, purpose of use, consistency with the Christian values of the University, and general University discretion. A “Facility Use Agreement” shall be used at all times with the appropriate fees charged. A fee waiver or reduction may be granted under special, pre-approved conditions only.