Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

MUSC 2210 Aural Skills II

This course emphasizes melodic, harmonic and rhythmic dictation, sight singing, and keyboard harmony.

Registration Name

Aural Skills II

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





MUSC 1100, MUSC 1110


MUSC 2200

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  • Hear, recognize, identify, and sing scale degrees, scales, melodic intervals, and rhythms.
  • Sight sing melodies using scale degrees and/or solfège syllables.
  • Hear, recognize, and identify chords (function, position, and quality), cadences, phrase structure, harmonic rhythm, and nonharmonic tones.
  • Notate diatonic melodies, rhythms, and chorale phrases (bass line, soprano line, nonharmonic tones, and chordal analysis) upon dictation.
  • Identify discrepancies between written and audible melodies and rhythms (error detection).
  • Transcribe sections of performed music, in specific notes and/or chordal analysis.
  • Think critically as it relates to score study and aural analysis of melodic, rhythmic, harmonic, and structural aspects of music.