Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

ART 2200 Drawing II

Emphasis on drawing the human figure. Students will work with live models. An additional 3 hours of independent studio work is required.

Registration Name

Drawing II

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





ART 1120

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Demonstrate effective sighting/measuring skills when working on paper. 
  2. Effectively plan and execute sophisticated works of art on paper in a variety of dry and wet media. 
  3. Accurately render the human figure in a variety of dry and wet media. 
  4. Incorporate individualized content into expressive drawings that represent the development of an individualized artistic vision. 
  5. Demonstrate and use course vocabulary. 
  6. Demonstrate and apply safe studio practices concerning all media.