ENC 1101 English Composition I

ENC 1101 is designed to develop effective written communications skills for academic and professional use. This course requires students to create original compositions, exploring basic rhetorical modes such as narration, exposition, persuasion, and others. Compositions will require extensive revision and will reinforce the student's facility with paragraph organization, sentence structure, diction, and mechanics, Students also will develop research skills and learn to incorporate and document researched material in compositions. Course writing assignments require that student writing will be on a subject and of a purpose related to the course's learning outcomes and of a length and depth reflecting higher order thinking such as analysis, argument, and evaluation. This is a writing credit course with international and intercultural content.

This course satisfies the Gordon Rule writing requirement. A grade of "C" or higher must be attained. This course is 3 credit hours.


3 cr.


Appropriate test placement scores or REA 0017, REA 0011, REA 0019, ENC 0025, REA 0021, REA 0022 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher for each course). Students who are to required to take the common placement test or enroll in developmental education courses do not have to satisfy prerequisites.