
Library users are expected to follow all college policies while in the Library. In addition, we expect all users to comply with our Library-specific policies.

Fair Use and Copyright

Librarians are trained to have working understandings of relevant copyright and Fair Use laws surrounding book scans and related materials. We can advise users on best practices, but we do not provide legal advice.

Accessibility accommodations may include scanning requests. See Accessibility and Scanning Requests for more information.

Using Library-licensed resources

Members of the Olin community should follow relevant Information Technology policies when accessing Library resources from any location.

The following applies to all licensed resources:

  • Access to licensed resources is for the Olin community and members of the public who are physically present in the Olin Library.
  • Commercial use of or selling information from these resources is not allowed.

When possible and logical, the Library will purchase ebook and/or audiobook licenses upon request. We also do this for all Course Reserves books, no request required. However, many course books, especially textbooks, are not available electronically in the United States.

Data and Privacy

The Olin Library protect the privacy of patron circulation, ILL, and electronic records as required under FERPA as recommended by the American Library Association and will not disclose these records, either casually or upon request. The right to privacy and freedom of intellectual pursuit are core values of the Olin College Library and the library profession.

Librarians never disclose identifying elements of student interactions, questions, or research consultations to instructors. Records containing information about patrons are kept to the bare minimum needed to maintain library workflows.

Overdue and Replacement Fees

The Olin Library does not charge overdue or replacement fees. Please notify us if something is lost or damaged so that we can replace it and maintain access for the entire community. You will not be penalized.

It is possible to accrue late/replacement fees from other Minuteman libraries, and we encourage you to return books by their due date to avoid charges.

MLN and ILL Fees

We cannot extend due dates for loans from other MLN libraries or ILLs, as those policies are set by the lending library. You may request renewals in advance of your non-Olin item’s due date.You must do your own renewal request for MLN items, which can be done via your online account.

While the Olin Library does not charge fees, it is possible to accrue late/lost fees on your MLN account from other MLN libraries. If you need assistance or clarification about a fee, email library@olin.edu for help.

Interlibrary Loan renewal requests should be emailed to ill@olin.edu before the due date. We will submit the renewal request to the lending library and will let you know whether it is approved.

Library policies and practices comply with – and are based on – the college’s strategic plan and core values.

Borrowing Policies

All items removed from the Library, for any amount of time, must be checked out. Removing items, with-or-without barcodes, without checking them out is a violation of Library policy and Olin’s Honor Code.

The Olin Library is 100% self-checkout. There is a self-check kiosk on each level. All borrowable items, including all Library of Things items, have barcodes that must be scanned at checkout. Items that do not have a barcode are not meant to be borrowed.

Only Course Reserves use a different method, a paper sign-out/in sheet, to ensure consistent access for all students. Course books should be returned directly to their section on the shelf, and signed back in.