2021-2022 Catalog

PHIL 395 Philosophy Seminar

Topics vary semester to semester. Specific topics may satisfy different Core Program requirements.

Philosophy of Food

The aim of this course is to demonstrate that food is worthy of philosophy inquiry. We will start with the deceptively simple question, what is food and why is it important? We will quickly move on to specific questions concerning the aesthetic value of food (can food be a work of art?), the nature of food criticism (who am I to tell you what you should like to eat?), a cluster of ethical questions concerning the production and consumption of food (e.g., what exactly is wrong with GMO?, what’s the connection between patriarchy and eating meat?, isn’t ethics fundamentally a question about hospitality?), and broad questions about food and cultural identity (what exactly does “authentic Mexican” mean?). Like any good philosophy course, the point is not to flatter your taste, but to change it, which we will do by cooking together and talking to a number of local food writers and philosophers.

This course will count towards the Experiential Learning requirement for the Philosophy major.


4 units


One course in philosophy.