2017-2018 Catalog

Major Requirements

The major in Critical Theory & Social Justice requires eleven courses (44 units) These eleven courses must include: one course at the 100 level, one course at the 200 level, two courses at the 300 level and two methods courses.  Additionally, all students are required to take the Junior Seminar, the Senior Seminar, and the Social Justice Practicum.


One course at the 100 level

4 units

One course at the 200 level

4 units

Two courses at the 300 level

8 units

Junior Seminar

CTSJ 390CTSJ Junior Seminar: Interventions

4 units

The Junior Seminar will be offered during the Spring Semester.  Students planning to travel abroad during their junior year should do so in the fall semester and may petition the department chair to have 1 study abroad class count as a CTSJ elective. All petitions must include the following: the course syllabus and all assignments completed for the particular class.

Senior Seminar

CTSJ 490Senior Seminar in Critical Theory - Social Justice

4 units

Two 4-unit methodologies courses

CTSJ 215/WRD 215Critical Discourse Analysis

4 units

CTSJ 232Introduction to Cultural Studies

4 units

CTSJ 285Foucault

4 units

CTSJ 310Qualitative Interview Methods

4 units

CTSJ 320Culture and Community

4 units

CTSJ 337Queer Los Angeles: Cruising the Archive

4 units

CTSJ 340Critical Ethnography

4 units

CTSJ 357Law and Empire

4 units

CTSJ 384Bataille

4 units

Additional Electives

Students must complete two additional CTSJ electives.

Social Justice Practicum

A minimum of four units. Credit for the social justice practicum may be earned through participation in a departmentally approved internship.


Students majoring in Critical Theory and Social Justice satisfy the second-stage writing requirement by completing the Junior Seminar (CTSJ 390) or the Social Justice Practicum.


In their senior year, students majoring in Critical Theory and Social Justice are required to complete a comprehensive project concerning a topic of the student's own particular interest. Students produce drafts of their projects during CTSJ 490: Senior Seminar in the fall semester of their senior year. (A student graduating in December is encouraged to take 490 in his or her third-to-last semester, rather than in the last semester.) Each student is directed to consult with at least one CTSJ professor in addition to the professor teaching the senior seminar. The final version of the comprehensive project is due the Friday before spring (or midterm) break of the student's final semester. A typical project culminates in a 20- to 25-page paper. The department is open to critical projects of comparable length that employ other media from students formally trained in those media. A comprehensive project earns the grade "Pass with Distinction" if the department faculty determine that it is of the quality publishable in the CTSJ Journal or another journal in the fields embraced by Critical Theory & Social Justice.


Students majoring in CTSJ must be nominated during their senior year by a CTSJ faculty member to be considered for Honors. Nominations will be reviewed by the CTSJ department faculty, who will consider the nominee’s excellence as a CTSJ major by examining a number of factors such as: major GPA, quality of the comprehensive project, experiential learning, and engagement with community-based learning and research. Nominees must meet the minimum overall GPA of 3.25 set by the College for Honors. Students interested in being considered for Honors may apply during the first semester of their senior year to enroll in CTSJ 499: Honors Thesis, which is an independent study, by conferring with their academic advisor and the instructor of CTSJ 490: Senior Seminar. Permission to enroll in CTSJ 499 does not guarantee that the student will receive Honors; the student’s completed comprehensive project will be considered along with the additional criteria listed above in consideration for the designation of Honors.