President’s Cabinet
Deborah J. Bushway, President and Chief Executive Officer. B.A., Central University of Iowa, Pella, Iowa; M.S., Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Ph.D., Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Brendan A. Bannigan, Vice President of Development and Leadership Gifts. M.P.A., Hamline University; C.F.R.E.
Jakki A. Edwards, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, B.S.B., Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
Trevor Foshang, Dean, College of Chiropractic. D.C., Logan College of Chiropractic
Mary E. Gale, Vice President, Human Resources. B.A., College of St. Catherine; M.A., Concordia University at St. Paul
Kathleen A. Hagens, Vice President, Marketing. B.A., University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh; M.B.A., University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Dale K. Healey, Dean, College of Health and Wellness and Interim Senior Dean, Academic and Student Affairs. B.S., Parker College of Chiropractic; D.C., Parker College of Chiropractic; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Elizabeth Johnson, Student Senate President. B.S., University of Minnesota - Rochester
Erin Kahn, Dean, Admissions, B.B.A., University of Wisconsin
Michele J. Maiers, Executive Director, Research and Innovation, Professor. B.S., Northwestern College of Chiropractic; D.C., Northwestern College of Chiropractic; M.P.H., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., University of Southern Denmark
Joan E. Maze, Dean, Student and Alumni Services. M.A., Temple University
Nancy R. Rubin, Dean, Continuing Education & Distance Education. B.S., Syracuse University; M.S., Marist College; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University
Charles E. Sawyer, Special Assistant to the President. D.C., Northwestern College of Chiropractic
Michael Tennison, Vice President of Network Development and Clinic Administration. B.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; M.B.A., Cardinal Stritch University
Mary M. Tuchscherer, Faculty Senate President, Professor. B.S., St. Norbert College; DC, College of Chiropractic at Northwestern Health Sciences University, M.S., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., University of Minnesota