
Electronics Technology, Associate in Applied Science



Today's high technology companies want to hire well-rounded electronics technicians who can help their businesses grow profitably. Northampton's Electronics Technology program integrates comprehensive electronic circuit theory with practical hands-on lab work. Students develop solid troubleshooting skills using modern industry-quality instruments.

Northampton graduates are employed in areas such as manufacturing, installation, repair, operation, and product design. Other graduates choose power generation, industrial control, or sales. Employers value Northampton graduates because they are well-trained and can step right in to resolve many design and application problems.


Our program is based on continuous industry input and evaluation of electronics programs nationwide. The result is a practical curriculum that emphasizes a strong foundation in electronics fundamentals while developing skills critical to success in the field. Your studies will include:

  • Core Coursework: Two semesters of DC/AC circuit analysis, digital electronics, and solid state devices; one semester of linear integrated circuits and microprocessors.
  • Mechanical Skills: Courses include Electronics Manufacturing, Mechanical Skills, and Team Projects.
  • Computer Skills: We emphasize applications such as MultiSIM, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and AutoCAD.
  • Communication Skills: Your reading, writing, and presentation skills, as applied to technical topics, will be developed over the course of the program.
  • Project Work: Integrated into all semesters.

Upon graduation, you will be well prepared to enter and advance in the workforce, or you may choose to continue your education toward a four-year bachelor of science degree in electronics technology. We have relationships that can create smooth transitions at institutions such as Bloomsburg University (BS in Electrical and Electronic Technology), Pennsylvania State University (Harrisburg Campus), Pennsylvania College of Technology (Williamsport), New Jersey Institute of Technology (Newark, NJ), Rochester Institute of Technology (Rochester, NY), or at many other colleges and universities.

Students completing this program may also complete their Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Management through Franklin University by completing approximately 24 additional course credits at NCC and an additional 40 course credits through Franklin University's online courses. Check with your advisor for more information and options in course selection.

We carefully schedule the program's courses so that you can earn the A.A.S. degree in two years of full-time study. Students generally begin the program in August. You can also complete your degree in four years through evening part-time study. An attractive option for many students is to complete the A.A.S. degree through part-time evening study, with employers supporting the continuing education through tuition reimbursement.

View Gainful Employment information on the Electronics Technology specialized diploma.



Graduates of the program will:

  • Prototype, evaluate, and assist in the design of electronic circuits using fundamental analog and digital concepts.
  • Fabricate electronic circuit layouts and electromechanical prototypes.
  • Use computer technology to conduct research, analyze data, simulate circuit performance, design circuits, program microprocessors, and document findings.
  • Select and operate electronic test equipment such as digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, power supplies, and function generators to test and troubleshoot analog and digital circuits.
  • Apply mathematics and reasoning to predict electronic circuit performance and to analyze data.
  • Effectively speak, write, and graphically illustrate the discourse of electronics technology.
  • Work both independently and as a contributing member of an effective team.
  • Use applied research, critical thinking, and problem solving skills to support lifelong professional development.

Career Potential: Senior Electronics Technician


First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

ELEC101DC/AC Circuit Analysis I

4 credits

ELEC121Technical Computer Applications

2 credits

ELEC177Electronics Manufacturing I

2 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

MATH140College Algebra

3 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits


Second Semester

CMTH102Introduction to Communication

3 credits

ELEC126Digital Electronics I

3 credits

ELEC151DC/AC Circuit Analysis II

4 credits

ELEC155Introduction to Solid State Devices

2 credits

EMEC115Mechanical Skills for Technicians

1 credits

ENGL151TEnglish II

3 credits


Third Semester

ELEC207Solid State Circuits

4 credits

ELEC208Digital Electronics II

3 credits

ENGG100Engineering Graphics

3 credits


PHYS101Physics I

4 credits


CHEM120General Chemistry I

4 credits


Fourth Semester

ELEC226Microprocessors I

3 credits

ELEC230Team Project

2 credits

ELEC232Linear Integrated Circuits

4 credits

General Education Elective

3 credits


3 credits


Total Credits: 63

  • For the General Education Electives, students must select one course from the list of approved courses in two of the following categories: Arts & Humanities (AH), Social Science: Societies and Institutions over Time (SIT); Social Science: Scientific Study of Human Behavior (SSHB).
  • One course should be designated as Diversity and Global Awareness (D).
  • One General Education Elective must be taken in a Writing Intensive (WI) section.
  • Computer competencies are included in various courses in this program. Thus, completing the program automatically satisfies the computing requirement.

NOTE: Students planning to transfer to BS in Electrical Engineering Technology programs should consult with the 4-year institution and the program advisor before selecting courses.