
Veterinary Technician, Associate in Applied Science

Admission Requirements

Admission Criteria and Program Requirements

Before Admission:

  • High school diploma or GED
  • A minimum GPA of 2.5
  • High School Biology (with a lab), or college equivalent, with a grade of B or better.
  • Completion of high school Algebra I and II ,or college equivalent, with grade C or better
  • Submission of official high school transcript or copy of GED and official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.
  • Placement into college level English and Math; Any remediation must be completed before starting the program
  • Application deadline February 1st for fall semester. Application is made by enrolling as "Veterinary Technician Intent" through the admissions office. If not currently enrolled as "Veterinary Technician Intent", a Change of Major Form must be completed.
  • At the time of the application, the student must have completed 20 hours observation in a Veterinary facility within the past year and completed the Career Exploration Form available on NCC homepage.
  • Interview by invitation. Only the most qualified applicants are interviewed; the college will contact students to schedule interviews when appropriate.

Please Note: Admission into the Veterinary Technician program is competitive. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the Veterinary Technician program. If available spaces in the program are not filled by students who have met the aforementioned standards, the College reserves the right to accept students who have, in the judgment of the College, the potential to complete the Veterinary Technician Associate Degree.

After Admission:

  • Medical Forms: physical examination
  • Proof of current health insurance
  • Rabies pre-exposure vaccine.

Contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 for further information.


Career Exploration Form (PDF)

American Veterinary Medical Association

Veterinary Technician National Exam Pass Rates (PDF)


If you love animals and want a career that keeps you in constant contact with them, being a Veterinary Technician is an affordable and accessible way to achieve your goal. Veterinary technicians are animal care professionals. Vet techs are knowledgeable in the care and handling of various species, basic principles of normal and abnormal life processes, laboratory and clinical procedures and veterinary medical and surgical nursing.

Certified veterinary technicians find employment in small and large animal veterinary facilities, the pet food industry, specialty practices, diagnostic labs, pharmaceutical research centers, zoo and wildlife organizations, and educational institutions. The job opportunities are numerous and varied. With more Americans than ever sharing their homes with companion animals, the need for formally trained veterinary technicians in veterinarian practices in particular continues to grow.

Working jointly with Lehigh Carbon Community College, Northampton's Veterinary Technician program will provide you with all the necessary coursework, hands-on training, guidance and experience you need to begin an exciting career working with animals.

Graduates of the program are prepared to sit for the veterinary technician national board examination. Students that pass the exam may obtain certification. This program has received full accreditation from the American Veterinary Medical Association.


Northampton's program provides academic and practical experience through a combination of veterinary technology and general education core courses. One-third of veterinary technology courses include laboratory experience including exposure to small, large and exotic animal species.

The culminating experience of the program is a summer externship experience during which students can practice their clinical skills at veterinary hospitals. Instructors in the program are practicing veterinarians and veterinary technicians working in the field.

Classes are held on the NCC and LCCC campuses. There is a clinical science laboratory on the Northampton campus and a Veterinary Training facility adjacent to the LCCC campus provided exclusively for the veterinary technician students. Classes are offered during the day and the program takes 2 full years (fall, spring and summer to complete).

Career Potential: Veterinary Technician, Biologic Research Labs, Lab Animal Technician, Small Animal Practice, Large Animal Practice, Exotics and Specialty Practices, Zoos, Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers, Pharmaceutical Companies, Teaching Institutes, Diagnostic Labs, Aquariums, Animal Shelters, Animal Feed Companies

Any questions or concerns? Contact one of our Program Director; Dr. Lisa Martini-Johnson at: LMartini-Johnson@northampton.edu or Lmartinijohnson@lccc.edu.


Graduates of the program will:

  • Demonstrate competence in performing and engaging in office and hospital procedures, client relations and communication.
  • Demonstrate proficiency working in the pharmacy and understand and utilize pharmacologic concepts.
  • Safely and competently engage in medical nursing.
  • Safely and competently engage in surgical nursing.
  • Safely and competently engage in anesthetic nursing.
  • Competently perform laboratory procedures.
  • Safely and competently perform diagnostic imaging.
  • Competently perform laboratory animal and exotic patient husbandry and nursing.


First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

CMTH102Introduction to Communication

3 credits

CHEM135Chemistry of Life

4 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

VETC101Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology

4 credits

VETC110Introduction to Veterinarian Technology

3 credits


Second Semester

BIOS202Microbiology for Allied Health

4 credits


ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits


ENGL151REnglish II

3 credits


ENGL151TEnglish II

3 credits


VETC115Animal Management & Nutrition

2 credits

VETC120Veterinary Parasitology

2 credits

VETC125Veterinary Clinical Laboratory Techniques

4 credits


Summer Session

VETC210Large Animal Clinical Procedures

3 credits


Third Semester

MATH120Nature of Mathematics

3 credits

VETC215GAnimal Disease

3 credits

VETC218Veterinarian Pharmacology and Anesthesia

3 credits

VETC220Small Animal Clinical Procedures

4 credits

Arts and Humanities Elective (AH)

3 credits


Fourth Semester

VETC225Veterinary Radiology and Surgical Nursing

4 credits

VETC228Laboratory Animal Science and Exotics

4 credits

Social Science: Societies and Institutions over Time Elective (SIT)+

3 credits

Social Science: Scientific Study of Human Behavior Elective (SSHB) ++

3 credits


Summer Session

VETC230Veterinary Technician Externship

3 credits


Total Credits: 69

ENGL151: Students have the choice of ENGL151L (Literature option), ENGL151R (Report Writing), ENGL151T (Technical Writing). Consult with your advisor.

+It is recommended that students take SOCA102 as the Social Science: Societies and Institutions over Time (SIT) Elective; this also satisfies the Diversity (D) requirement.

++ It is recommended that students take PSYC103 as the Social Science: Scientific Study of Human Behavior (SSHB) Elective.

  • One course should be designated as Diversity and Global Awareness (D).
  • Completion of VETC215G satisfies the Writing Intensive (WI) requirement.