
Radiography, Associate in Applied Science


Clinical Overview and Program Highlights (PDF)

Essential Functions of a Radiographer (PDF)

Virtual Shadowing and Application Advice (PDF)

Career Assessment Form (PDF)

Radiography Student Handbook (PDF)

Radiography Program Mission Statement (PDF)

Radiography Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes (PDF)

Program Effectiveness Data (PDF)

Required Texts for Incoming Freshman (PDF)

Computed Tomography Education for Registered Technologists-Registration Information (PDF)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Education for Registered Technologists-Registration Information (PDF)

Mammography Education for Registered Technologists-Registration Information (PDF)


Medical imaging is a dynamic, fascinating field. It's also a critical element of diagnostic medicine. Radiologists rely on their radiographers to produce optimum images for accurate interpretation.

The modalities in radiology - including sonography, MRI and more - are advancing technologically at an astounding rate. With that in mind, Northampton's Radiography Program introduces its students to all modalities within the curriculum. Our Radiography program is innovative, educationally sound, and vital in providing medical imaging services for the community-at-large.

Our graduates have the option to remain as general diagnostic radiographers or to cross-train in the following areas/modalities:

  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic resonance (MR)
  • Bone densitometry (BD)
  • Mammography (M)
  • Interventional radiology (IR)
  • Nuclear medicine (N)
  • Radiation therapy (T)

Diagnostic Medical Sonography is offered at NCC and is listed in the NCC catalog. Each modality requires additional education (may require transfer to another institution of higher learning) and an additional credentialing examination.

The Radiography Program at NCC is fully accredited by the:

Joint Review Committee on Education in

Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)

20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850

Chicago, Illinois 60606-3182


312.704.5304 (Fax)

E-mail: mail@jrcert.org

Web site: www.jrcert.org


The Radiography Program at NCC is 21 months long and operates on both traditional and non-traditional academic calendars. Clinical education at the affiliated hospitals is scheduled during the regular semesters as well as during both summer sessions at the end of the first year for 40 hours per week.

The Radiography Program has two fully energized digital radiographic rooms in the Wogenrich Lab on the Main Campus. The students practice their skills both on-campus and in clinical education.

When students have completed all of their program requirements, they have the option to voluntarily complete 232-240 hours (6 weeks) in an Advanced Skills Internship in one of the following specialties:

  • Bone Densitometry (BD)
  • Computed Tomography (CT)
  • Interventional Radiology (IR)
  • Magnetic Resonance (MR)
  • Mammography (M)
  • Operating Room (OR)

The Advanced Skills Internship is offered through the College's Center for Business & Industry non-credit course offerings and is available to current year May graduates on a space available basis.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide student radiographers with an innovative and educationally sound program that will enable them to deliver quality patient-centered care, use radiation judiciously and display professionalism throughout their career.

Joint Mission Statement between NCC and the Clinical Education Settings

Through mutual respect, in a learner-centered environment, we will collectively educate students to embrace the following components of the profession:

  • Effective communication
  • Problem solving
  • Professionalism
  • Radiation safety
  • Technical competency and proficiency

Transfer Potential: Bloomsburg University, Cedar Crest College, Misericordia University, Thomas Jefferson University

Career Potential: Radiographer (R), Administrator, Bone Densitometrist (BD), Interventional Technologist (IR), Computed Tomography Technologist (CT), Health Physicist, Instructor, Mammographer (M), Magnetic Resonance Technologist (MR), Nuclear Medicine Technologist (N), Radiation Therapist (T), Sales Representative, Sonographer (RDMS)

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Radiography program at Northampton is on a competitive basis. Minimum admission requirements include:

  • Completion of high school diploma or GED equivalent
  • Submission of official transcript(s)-high school and each college (attended/enrolled)
  • One-year of high school biology with a lab and a grade of C or better; Or BIOS115 with a grade of C or better
  • Two-units of algebra with a grade of C or better; Or MATH022 and MATH026, or MATH028 with a grade of C or better
  • Overall GPA of 2.5 or better
  • Information session and interview for competitive applicants by the program's admission committee

How to apply after obtaining an application package from the Admissions Office:

  • Complete a standard NCC application or reentry Form (if not currently enrolled)
  • Request change of major (if currently enrolled)
  • Do "virtual" shadowing in radiology
  • Submit a completed a "Career Assessment Form" (CAF)

Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the Radiography Program.

Primary consideration during the selection process will be given to those who have:

  • Successfully completed (on the first attempt) College Algebra /Introductory Statistics, Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II or equivalent courses at other colleges
  • Completed other college credit courses that apply to the program

If available spaces in the program are not filled by students who meet these standards, the College reserves the right to accept students who have, in the judgment of the College, the potential to complete the program.


To receive primary consideration, the completed application, "virtual" shadowing experience, and the CAF, along with all official transcripts must be submitted by February 1. Applications received after that date may be too late for the review process.

Contact the Admissions Office at 610.861.5500 for further information.

After You Have Been Accepted

Radiography program students must do the following:

  • Obtain necessary immunizations and/or titers.
  • Complete a physical examination and submit a completed health form for review by the Health Center at NCC.
  • Have or obtain health insurance (which needs to be maintained for the duration of the program).
  • Sign a disclosure form stating that you understand the essential functions/technical standards and are able to comply or request reasonable accommodations.
  • Have or obtain CPR certification for BLS Provider (Healthcare Provider).
  • Sign a verification of understanding sheet for the Radiography Program's Student Handbook.
  • Sign a verification of understanding sheet for the HIPAA requirements for the didactic and clinical setting.
  • Obtain criminal background checks and drug screening (until clearance is received, program acceptance is provisional and may be rescinded).


According to the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), a criminal record, violations of academic honor codes, suspension or program dismissal may prevent a graduate from taking the ARRT certification examination. For more information please refer to the ethics informational pages at arrt.org.


Radiography Program Goals and Related Outcomes:


To graduate students who are clinically competent.

The student will be able to:

  • Position accurately and in a timely manner in order to visualize the appropriate anatomical structures.
  • Select technical factors that will produce an optimal image.
  • Employ principles of radiation protection.


To graduate students who communicate effectively through word choice, level of explanation, and method of delivery.

The student will be able to:

  • Write an accurate patient history.
  • Communicate effectively in written and oral formats with patients, members of the health care team, and the community.
  • Listen, understand, and evaluate what the speaker is saying
  • Speak using effective word choice, appropriate terminology, level of explanation and method of delivery.


To graduate students who analyze situations using critical thinking to foster better patient care.

The student will be able to:

  • Employ critical thinking skills to use appropriate alternative patient positioning and equipment configurations based on patient condition.
  • Critique the image and evaluate radiographic quality.
  • Manipulate exposure factors to compensate for patient and image variability while minimizing patient dose.


To graduate students who employ the five components of being a true professional – character, attitude, excellence, competency and conduct.

The student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate professional attitude, ethics and sound judgment.


First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

BIOS204Human Anatomy & Physiology I

4 credits

RADT102Fundamentals of Radiologic Sciences

3 credits

RADT107Clinical Practice I

2 credits

RADT111Radiographic Procedures I

4 credits

RADT114Introduction to Radiographic Imaging

3 credits


Second Semester

BIOS254Human Anatomy & Physiology II

4 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

RADT125Sectional Anatomy for Medical Imagers

1 credits

RADT117Clinical Practice II

2 credits

RADT208Imaging Equipment & Radiation Production

3 credits

RADT210Level II Radiographic Procedures

4 credits


Summer Session

RADT147Clinical Practice III

4 credits


Third Semester

CMTH102Introduction to Communication

3 credits


MATH140College Algebra

3 credits


MATH150Introductory Statistics

3 credits


RADT205Pathology for Radiographers

2 credits

RADT207Clinical Practice IV

3 credits

RADT230Radiation Biology/Protection

3 credits

RADT242Digital Imaging and Analysis

2 credits


Fourth Semester

ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits

PSYC103Introduction to Psychology

3 credits

RADT201Advanced Imaging

2 credits

RADT217Clinical Practice V

3 credits

RADT250Senior Review

2 credits


3 credits


Total Credits: 70

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I is substituted for one of the Human Knowledge Courses.
  • The Social Science (SIT) requirement has been included in program courses.
  • The Diversity and Global Awareness (D) requirement is satisfied by the completion of ENGL151L.
  • Writing Intensive (WI) work and computer competencies are included in various courses in this program. Thus, completing the program automatically satisfies the Writing Intensive (WI) and computing requirements for this program.


It is recommended that those students entering the radiography program without computer skills from previous educational experiences take one if not all of the following Open Entrance/Open Exit 1-credit courses:

OFAD141 Introduction to Word 1 credits

OFAD142 Introduction to Excel  1 credits

OFAD143 Introduction to Access 1 credits

Program Features for Certified/Registered (ARRT) Radiographers

A separate program is offered for currently certified and registered ARRT radiographers who were educated in hospital-based radiography programs and now want to earn an associate's degree. 64 credits are required for completion as follows:

  • 32- credits awarded to currently registered ARRT radiographers
  • 32- credits of specified general education courses

Radiography for Registered Technologists

Associate in Applied Science Degree
Radiography Registry (Current Certification by the ARRT)

32 credits

BIOS204Human Anatomy & Physiology I

4 credits

BIOS254Human Anatomy & Physiology II

4 credits

Computer Elective

3 credits

CMTH102Introduction to Communication

3 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits


ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits


ENGL151REnglish II

3 credits


ENGL151TEnglish II

3 credits


MATH140College Algebra

3 credits


MATH150Introductory Statistics

3 credits


PSYC103Introduction to Psychology

3 credits

General Education Elective (AH or SIT)

3 credits


3 credits

Total Credits: 64


ENGL151: Students may select ENGL151L (Literature), ENGL151R (Report Writing), or ENGL151T (Technical Writing).