
Marketing, Associate in Applied Science



Are you interested in planning, organizing or developing marketing programs, advertising campaigns or online promotions using social media? Perhaps you are also interested in a career in sales or want to work in media planning or online marketing? Marketing is a creative field that includes numerous career paths. From marketing management to advertising to non-profit institutions, marketing is an essential tool, and marketing professionals find their work exciting and rewarding. The program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

The Marketing program at Northampton focuses on the practical applications of both business and consumer marketing. This program emphasizes employment (specifically in a marketing or marketing-related position, upon graduation) rather than transfer to a four-year college. The program is designed to provide students with the marketing skills needed to enter into the fields of marketing, advertising, public relations, sales, retail management, media planning, customer service or online marketing upon graduation.


The Marketing A.A.S. Program includes a strong educational core that emphasizes marketing theory and application of marketing knowledge. Students develop necessary skills required to enhance creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, global perspectives and communication.

Students participate in a marketing simulation course with a focus on designing and presenting a marketing/advertising campaign for an existing business. Students work in groups to conduct a market analysis related to a specific company, develop a media schedule and advertising campaign, and present the plan to company executives. In addition, students gain valuable experience working with a team on real-world projects.

Professionals in Northampton's Career Services Office, as well as instructors within the program, are available to assist students in finding employment in the field.


The Business Marketing Program contains provisions for a free elective of three credits in addition to the General Education electives. This program can be completed in the day or evening, on a full-time or part-time basis.

Career Potential: Sales Representative, Advertising/Promotions Specialist, Retail Manager, Marketing Coordinator/Assistant


Graduates of the program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of general business principles in accounting/finance, management and marketing.
  • Apply technological and design skills related to business and marketing promotion.
  • Possess strong presentation and communication skills pertinent to business and life.
  • Gain an understanding of business ethics and their application in business.
  • Work effectively in both individual and team environments.
  • Design a cohesive marketing strategy, effectively combining the marketing mix elements of product, price, promotion and place (distribution).


First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

ACCT101Financial Accounting I

3 credits

CISC101Introduction to Computers

3 credits

CMTH102Introduction to Communication

3 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits


College Algebra*

3 credits


MATH150Introductory Statistics

3 credits


Second Semester

ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits

BUSA232Principles of Marketing

3 credits

BUSA205Management Fundamentals

3 credits

ARTA170Computer Graphics

4 credits

General Education Elective (AH or SIT)

3 credits


Third Semester

BUSA235Principles of Advertising & Public Relations

3 credits


ACCT160Accounting Applications

3 credits


Managerial Accounting**

3 credits


BUSA221GBusiness Communications

3 credits

ARTA130Intro to Web Site Design

3 credits


3 credits


Fourth Semester

BUSA137Principles of Selling

3 credits

BUSA152Business Law I

3 credits

BUSA270Marketing Simulation

3 credits

General Education Elective (AH or SIT)

3 credits


3 credits


Total Credits: 62

*Students should take MATH140 if they are considering transfer to a 4-year institution.

**Students may substitute ACCT202 for ACCT160 if they are considering transfer to a 4-year institution.


  • For General Education Electives, students need to take 9 credits in at least two of the fields listed: Arts & Humanities (AH), Social Science: Societies and Institutions over Time (SIT); Social Science: Scientific Study of Human Behavior (SSHB). Note: ECON201 is fulfills 3 credits of this requirement as an SSHB.
  • ENGL151L is designated as the Diversity and Global Awareness (D) requirement.