
Special Education Paraeducator, Associate in Applied Science


First Semester

CISC101Introduction to Computers

3 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

PSYC103Introduction to Psychology

3 credits

SPED160Introduction to Special Education

3 credits

Arts & Humanities Elective (AH) *

3 credits


Second Semester

CMTH102Introduction to Communication

3 credits

ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits

EARL106Early Childhood Development & Learning

3 credits

SPED164Introduction to the Special Education Paraeducator

3 credits

SPED175Behavior Support

3 credits


Third Semester

MATH118Foundations of Mathematics I

3 credits

SPED170Instructional Strategies in Inclusive Environments

3 credits

PSYC251Child Psychology

3 credits

SOCA103Principles of Sociology

3 credits

Elective *

3 credits


Fourth Semester

SPED205GSpecial Education Paraeducator Internship

3 credits

Science Elective (SCI)

4 credits

Social Science: Societies and Institutions over Time Elective (SIT)

3 credits

Elective *

3 credits

Elective *

3 credits


Total Credits: 61

* Recommended Elective courses:

EARL217 Child, Family & Community, EDUC115 Education for All Students, MDLA103 Elementary Spanish I, MDLA113 Elementary Spanish II.