
A degree in chemistry opens a wide variety of careers to a graduate. Careers in chemistry involve such diverse areas as the development of new materials, energy, foods, environmental protection, chemical sales, and drug design. The chemistry degree is frequently used as a preparation for entrance into law, pharmacy, medical, dental, optometry and veterinary schools. The chemistry program has several tracks. Those seeking a job in the chemical industry or graduate school generally pursue the Chemistry Area – Professional Chemist track. The Chemistry Area – Biomedical Chemistry track is primarily used for students seeking admission to a professional school such as pharmacy, optometry or medical school. The Chemistry Area – MSU Teach track is solely intended to qualify the student for state certification for secondary school chemistry teaching. The Chemistry Major - General track is also used along with the appropriate minor for students seeking professional school or jobs in the private sector. 

Program Competencies

The student will:

  1. Develop enough learning techniques to adapt to new vocational and educational situations, i.e., be able to self-educate in new applied areas and keep up with progress in the field.
  2. Develop enough self-confidence, personal independence and understanding of scientific methods to carry out a technical project on one's own with only consultant-style help.
  3. Read technical literature with good comprehension.
  4. Write technical reports in a clear and logical way.
  5. Present oral reports on technical material in a clear and logical way.
  6. Be able to retrieve any needed information from the scientific literature.
  7. Analyze laboratory data for its correctness and locate probable sources of error, including an understanding of standard statistical tests and the concepts of error and uncertainty, and an understanding of the advantages and limitations of current instrumental and other laboratory techniques.
  8. Be able to use the basic principles of chemistry as presented in the first-year class in a wide variety of contexts, especially the relationship of the microscopic physical model to bulk chemical behavior. Be able to relate scientific principles to observed behavior.
  9. Comprehend the major systems of nomenclature used in chemistry and know enough about the basic functional groups of inorganic and organic chemistry to have a primitive vocabulary of basic types of chemical reactions and to be able to use this to make rational chemical predictions.


  1. Performance of graduates on entrance examinations
  2. Performance of graduates in professional schools
  3. Surveys of graduates
  4. Surveys of employers
  5. Exit Exam