Middle Grades (5-9) and MSD Area – Bachelor of Arts

Special Admissions Requirements

  1. GPA of 2.75.
  2. Successfully complete the TEP interview process.
  3. Demonstrated proficiency in oral and written communication.
  4. Successful completion of prerequisite courses, with a grade of "C" or better (ENG 100, COMS 108, MATH GNED Core, EDF 207, EDF 211).
  5. Students applying for TEP at MSU must take the Core Academic Skills for Educators (CASE) Testing Series.

Program Competencies

Based on the Teacher Standards, students graduating from the 5-9 program should:

  1. Demonstrate a knowledge of the growth and development of middle grade students.
  2. Describe the historical, philosophical and psychological basis of middle grade and middle school programs.
  3. Demonstrate skills in planning and implementation of instruction in several different organizational patterns.
  4. Accurately assess the instruction needs of students.
  5. Develop an effective system for managing the classroom.
  6. Relate planning for teaching to the needs of middle grade students.
  7. Identify school and community resources that could be used in instruction.
  8. Plan for communication with students, parents and other school personnel.
  9. Establish cooperative relationships with other school personnel and skills in working in teams.
  10. Develop a breadth of content knowledge.
  11. Demonstrate a knowledge of the provisions of the Kentucky Education Reform Act.
  12. Demonstrate appropriate uses of technology to support and enhance instruction.
  13. Demonstrate the capacity to provide leadership within the school, the community and the profession.


  1. GPA of 2.75
  2. Core Academic Skills for Educators (CASE) Testing Series
  3. Interview
  4. Completion of required field experience hours
  5. Writing sample
  6. Teacher Performance Assessment
  7. PRAXIS Exams

Program Requirements

General Education

General Education Courses(See GNED Course Listings)


MATH 131 or higherMATH General Education


Total Credit Hours:33

Refer to the General Education section for a complete listing of general education requirements for the University. Program requirements that are also general education requirements will count in both places (as applicable). Students must earn a "C" or better in ENG 100, COMS 108, and the GNED Math core. View the TEP Handbook at www.moreheadstate.edu/TEP for additional information.

Area Requirements

5-9 and MSD Area Requirements

EDSP 230Education of Exceptional Children


EDMG 330Foundations of Reading for Middle Grades


EDF 207Foundations of Education


EDF 211Human Growth and Development


EDMG 306Development and Learning in Middle Grades


EDMG 332Teaching Reading in the Middle Grades Content Areas*


EDMG 347Literature and Materials for the Middle Grades


EDMG 446Supervised Student Teaching*


EDUC 482Classroom Management and Assessment*


EDSP 350Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


EDSP 356Applied Behavior Analysis


EDSP 363Assistive Technology


EDSP 365Including Students with Diverse Needs in the Classroom*


EDSP 367Educational Assessment


EDSP 370Transdisciplinary Assessment of Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities


EDSP 371Field Experiences in Transdisciplinary Assessment and Services for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities


EDSP 372Transition to Adult Life


EDSP 373Curriculum for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities*


EDSP 374Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities*


EDSP 375Practicum in Education of Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities*


EDSP 437Student Teaching Practicum in Education of Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities*


EDEM 499CSeminar in Effective Teaching


One of the following:
EDMG 341Teaching Math in Middle Grades*


EDMG 343Teaching Language Arts in Middle Grades*


EDMG 342Teaching Social Studies in Middle Grades*


SCI 491Science for the Middle School Teacher*


Total Credit Hours:72

Academic Component

Academic Component: Students seeking 5-9 and MSD certification select only one component, excluding the full science component (listed under Academic Component Requirements for the stand-alone middle grades program.

Total Credit Hours:21-24

Total Credit Hours: 120