Government Seminars and Internships

The Washington Center National Government Seminar and Internship Program provides MSU students with the opportunity to study and work in Washington, D.C. The program, available to most undergraduate majors, provides both two-week intensive seminar and semester-long internships during the academic year and summer.

The seminar addresses major current legal, political, domestic and foreign policy issues. A central feature of the seminar is the participation of persons currently involved in national political life as guest lecturers and discussion leaders. The internships have a study and work component, an evening course and a full-time government work experience. The course, held once a week, is taught by the Washington Center's faculty drawn from Washington, D.C. colleges and universities. The internships are full-time work experiences in the offices of representatives and senators, on congressional committees and subcommittee staffs, and in government departments and regulatory commissions. The Washington Center provides housing and an on-site staff responsible for administration, placement, orientation, supervision and evaluation for both seminar and internship participants.

Registration procedures, participation, evaluation and the receipt of academic credit are governed by the MSU-Washington Center affiliation agreement with MSU. The seminars carry three credit hours and the internships carry up to 15 credit hours. For additional information and application forms, contact Career Services at or call 606-783-2233.