Regional Analysis and Public Policy Track

Admission Requirements

Acceptance to the regional analysis and public policy track requires a minimum ACT composite of 20 and an admission index of 500.

Program Competencies

The student will:

  1. Understand the relation of their major program to the other fields in regional analysis.
  2. Make sound verbal and written arguments that delineate a public policy.
  3. Possess the quantitative and qualitative skills to understand regional analysis.
  4. Understand the factors that affect and shape occupational vocations in a regional context.
  5. Be able to accurately communicate with public and private individuals the meaning and applications of regional analysis.
  6. Be able to present research and policy reports that are comprehensible to audiences of various public policymakers.
  7. Be able to interpret the output of regional resource analyses and their potential use in formulating public policy.

The students in this program will meet the goals of Enhancement of Instruction by actively participating in a unique, intense interdisciplinary program. They will participate in service and research functions of the University and will participate in the collaborative ventures of IRAPP with regional organizations.


Compare employment rates, salaries and graduate school admissions with similar MSU graduates.

Track: Regional Analysis and Public Policy

Required coursework:

RAPP 202Basic Computer Techniques in Regional Analysis


RAPP 203Society, Nature and Development


RAPP 300Seminar in Regional Issues I


RAPP 350Practicing Regional Analysis I


RAPP 450Practicing Regional Analysis II


RAPP 490Seminar in Regional Issues II


Total Credit Hours: 18