Graduates of Noncertified, Nonpublic Schools

(Including Home Schools)

Students who are graduates of noncertified, nonpublic schools, including home-schooled students, must submit to Undergraduate Admissions in the Office of Enrollment Services (1) an Undergraduate Admission and Scholarship Application, (2) official transcript, (3) a one-time $30 undergraduate application processing fee and (4) ACT or SAT scores. Morehead State University recognizes a parent-issued transcript if the student received it for completing a program of education though high school at home. The homeschool transcript must reflect the courses taken, date of each term, credits obtained, and grades earned in each course attempted. In addition, the transcript must have a signature/seal of the person in charge of the homeschool transcripts (for example, the parent/school administrator) and the transcript must be notarized. Transcripts are also required from other institutions or private programs in which a student has earned credits toward their high school diploma. In some cases, a review of the student's courses may be required.

Admission will be considered according to the same procedures as applicants from accredited high schools.