Nursing Department

Lynn C. Parsons, Chair

Center for Health, Education and Research (CHER) Suite 201


Department and BSN Program

Amanda R. Jewell 606-783-2296/ Fax 606-783-9104

Associate Degree Program

Amanda Turner 606-783-2438

Fax 606-783-9123 (Morehead campus)/Fax 606-783-9544 (MSU at Mt. Sterling - Clay Community Center)

Nursing Faculty

A. Brown, N. Bush, T. Clark, K. Clevenger (BNP Coordinator), V. Flannery, T. Howell (ADNP Coordinator, Mt. Sterling), R. Huffman, T. James, S. Johnson, L. Mays (ADNP Coordinator, Morehead), M. McClave, L. McDavid, J. Myers, A. Richardson, D. Rose, C. Rogers, M. Walters, S. White

Department of Nursing Student Handbook

The Department of Nursing Student Handbook is a supplement to the Morehead State University Undergraduate Catalog. The student handbook contains policies and guidelines related specifically to Morehead State University's Department of Nursing.

The Department of Nursing Student Handbook is reviewed and revised annually. There may be policy or curriculum changes in the student handbook that differ from those in the undergraduate catalog. In those cases, the student handbook supersedes information in the catalog.

It is the student's responsibility to read the University Undergraduate Catalog, the Department of Nursing Student Handbook and the official notices. It is the student's responsibility to abide by the regulations of the University and the guidelines and policies set forth in the Department of Nursing Student Handbook.