Military Science Department

Major Rob Hilton, Chair

Button Auditorium



MAJ Rob Hilton (Chair), MSG David Osborne, CPT Larry Hummel, SFC David Morris, SFC Aaron Brown


The Department of Military Science is a Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Instructor Group staffed by Army personnel. The department provides a curriculum that qualifies the college graduate for a commission as an officer in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve or the Army National Guard. Army ROTC is traditionally a four-year program consisting of basic (100- and 200-level) and advanced (300- and 400-level) courses. However, a two-year program is offered that enables juniors, community college students and others who missed ROTC during their first two years at MSU to qualify for a commission.

Military Science courses award elective academic credit and there is no obligation to serve in the military for taking the courses. Army ROTC instruction increases the opportunities for college students by expanding their experiences while in college, and by giving them options and potential for either a civilian or military career. Enrollment is initially open to all students.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Two-, three-, and four-year scholarships are available. The scholarships pay full tuition and fees, and includes a payment for books or supplies. Additional benefits may be available. Information on Army ROTC and ROTC scholarships may be obtained from the Military Science Department, Morehead State University, 306 Button Auditorium, or by calling 606-783-5225.

Financial Assistance: All contracted cadets are paid a subsistence allowance (stipend) each month based on college standing for up to 10-months per year. Students enlisted in the USAR or ARNG may serve in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) and receive additional benefits, including tuition assistance and enhanced drill pay.

Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Uniform, Books, and Supplies: Students enrolling in the Army ROTC program are issued U.S. Army uniforms, most ROTC required books and supplies by the Military Science Department. Uniforms and equipment must be returned before commissioning or upon disenrollment from the Reserve Officers Training Corps program.

Program Information

Students interested in becoming an Army officer can participate in the ROTC program in order to meet the commissioning requirements. Students working to obtain a commission must be medically qualified, meet all pre-commissioning requirements (established by the Department of the Army), complete a program of study for a degree (bachelor's degree or higher), complete all general education requirements and complete three hours of a military history-related course from the selection below (or approved by the department chair); while maintaining at least a 2.0 GPA (2.5 for scholarship students). Those students completing the program will receive a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserves (USAR) or the Army National Guard (ARNG).

Four-Year Program

The four-year program is divided into two phases, the basic course and the advanced course.

The basic course (MS 100 and 200) is open to all students and begins the leadership development process. It is designed to acquaint students with the Army, introduce fundamental individual skills, introduce time management skills and teach students to develop their own capabilities. There is no military service obligation for students to participate in basic course classes.

The advanced course (MS 300 and 400) accepts students of high moral character who meet required medical, aptitude and GPA requirements. The Military Science Advanced Course is normally taken during the junior/senior or graduate years. Students learn land navigation, communications, small unit tactics, patrolling, military management, staff operations, logistics, army administration, military law, ethics and the Army system and culture. Students must meet eligibility requirements and sign a contract for commissioning with the U.S. Army. The general objective of these courses is to produce junior officers who will be the future officer leadership of the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve, or the Army National Guard. Contracted Advanced Course students are required to attend the Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC), normally between their junior and senior academic years. This course is mandatory for all students seeking a commission in the U.S. Army but registration for university credit is optional. Students attending this camp are paid and given travel allowance from their home to camp and back.

Two-Year Program

The two-year program is designed for transfer students and MSU students who wish to earn a commission as an Army officer, but did not participate in the four-year program. Students desiring to participate in the two-year program must first gain credit for basic military science courses. Qualified veterans, USAR and ARNG personnel may receive basic course credit for their prior service. College freshmen and sophomores, or other students with at least two years remaining in college, may gain credit for basic military science courses by completing a four-week ROTC leadership practicum at Fort Knox, Ky., conducted during the summer. Once the student receives basic course credit, he/she enrolls in the advanced course (see advanced course, above, in Four-Year Program) to complete the requirements of the program.