Academic Bankruptcy

Academic bankruptcy gives undergraduate students with an unacceptable GPA the opportunity to drop one semester's work from consideration for University academic degree requirements.

Impact: Undergraduate students who are granted bankruptcy status forfeit credit for all courses in the bankrupt semester. The grades and credit hours earned during that semester are disregarded for University requirements. The notification "academic bankruptcy" appears on the transcript beneath the semester's work. Bankruptcy cannot be revoked once it has been granted. Bankruptcy cannot be used more than once.

Eligibility: Only hours attempted at Morehead State University are considered for bankruptcy; transfer hours are excluded.

The requirements for academic bankruptcy are:

  1. The student must apply for bankruptcy before completing a degree at the University.
  2. The student must have attempted at least 48 semester hours at the University.
  3. For the term in question, the student must have a GPA of at least 1.0 under the cumulative average for all other hours completed at the University.

Procedure: To apply for academic bankruptcy, the student can obtain an Academic Bankruptcy Form in the Office of the Registrar, 201 Ginger Hall, or visit and select "Forms." The form must be signed by the student's academic advisor or the department chair and returned to the Office of the Registrar for verification of eligibility. The Office of the Registrar will notify the student in writing regarding eligibility. An appeal of the eligibility ruling is made through the Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.