MAT Academic Progress and Completion
Graduate interns must meet the following requirements to remain in the MAT program:
- Maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater in all courses in the major.
- Earn a grade no lower than a “B” in all MGA graduate level education program courses.
- Retake only one graduate level course where a grade of “C”, “D” or “F” was earned. Students will not be allowed to progress into subsequent courses.
- Pass all key assessments with an 80% mastery.
- Interns must meet end of semester Program Checkpoints to progress to the next semester.
- Maintain professional liability insurance, a LiveText account and hold a valid Pre-Service Certificate for the duration of the program.
- Provide evidence of attempting the Georgia Educator Ethics Exit Assessment (360G) prior to progression into Practicum II (EDUC 5006).
- Provide evidence of submitting the edTPA portfolio prior to the end of the semester while enrolled in EDUC 5006 - Practicum II and Seminar.
- Complete residency requirements for MGA.
- Adhere to all policies and codes of personal and professional conduct, which originate with the School of Education, MGA, the GaPSC and associated Local Units of Administration (LUAs).
NOTE: Should a graduate intern complete all program requirements and the EPP determines that a candidate needs to increase competence in any area – knowledge, pedagogy, or dispositions – the EPP can request the completion of additional work before the graduate intern will be declared a program completer.