Additional Sources of Aid for New York State Residents

Beyond the TAP and ETA programs, additional aid in the form of grants and scholarships are awarded yearly through the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation.

Below is a list of previously awarded scholarships:

Individuals with disabilities may contact ACCES-VR (formerly known as the Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID)) within the NYS Education Department. They may provide funds to be used for tuition, tutoring, books, fees, etc.

Aid programs for the visually impaired are available through the NYS Commission for the Blind, Department of Social Services. Additionally, students may be eligible for a Lavelle Fund Scholarship, awarded to full time students from NY, NJ and CT. Please contact the Center for Student Accommodations & Valiant Learning Support Program at (914)323-7127 for details.