MKMC 5603 Social Media Technologies

The implementation of any Social Media campaign requires a through understanding of the tools available. As the popularity of Social Media became part of the fabric of daily business life the availability of Social Media technology also exploded. With the creation of new tools and channels, businesses are challenged to stay ahead of the curve. The exponential growth of content presents a unique set of challenges to any business. The signal to noise ratio is incredibly high. Businesses are challenged not only with the implementation of social media campaigns but also with the monitoring of them. This course, in contrast to the core course, explores the tactical capabilities of various popular social media technologies and how to best utilize them. The objective of this course is for students to learn how varying sets of Social Media technologies work and how which channels the tools are most effective in addressing. Through the use of presentations, discussions and dialogues, assigned readings, case studies, and projects, students explore the various tools and how they may be applied in a business setting. They will learn how to build and configure their company's presence on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus and how to measure the impact of Social Media using Social Analytics tools. Upon successfully completing this course, students will understand the tools and technologies behind various popular social media platforms, be able to integrate their understanding of Social Media technologies, and address tactical challenges in rolling out social business marketing campaigns.
