Adult Accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Program

Manhattanville offers three Bachelor of Science degrees in an accelerated format for adult students over the age of 23. Students who have completed thirty undergraduate credits with a G.P.A. of 2.5 and have a minimum of two years work experience are eligible for the program. The degrees are in Behavioral Studies, Organizational Management and Communications Management. To earn the B.S. degree in an accelerated format at Manhattanville College, the student must complete 120 credits. Students who have completed an Associate’s degree or who have accumulated from sixty to ninety undergraduate credits with a G.P.A. of 2.5 and have a minimum of two years work experience are eligible for the program. Students who have transferred into Manhattanville with more than 60 credits will be required to:

complete at least the final 30 semester credit hours and at least half of the major and minor “in residence” with at least a 2.0 G.P.A. in courses in which they are enrolled at the College.

demonstrate that they have satisfied the Manhattanville College general education requirements — either in courses for which they have enrolled at Manhattanville College — or at another accredited college/university.

complete all State-mandated Bachelor’s degree/certification requirements.

Classes meet in the evenings and/or weekends and are scheduled in eight-week modules. The program may be completed in less than two years. A new term begins in September, October, January, February, April and June. Applications are accepted throughout the year under Manhattanville’s rolling admissions policy.