Accelerated Study

Most Bachelor of Arts students complete their degrees in eight semesters. It is possible to accelerate the degree program and graduate in less than 8 semesters, if special permission is granted, but students interested in doing this must present a plan to the Board on Academic Standards no later than a year prior to the planned graduation. The College requires the equivalent of eight semesters of attendance (at least four while a student at Manhattanville), unless the Board on Academic Standards grants special permission.

The criteria applied by the Board on Academic Standards in evaluating accelerated study and early graduation requests include overall excellence as demonstrated by both the transcript and the work submitted, at least two-thirds of courses above the introductory level, and demonstration at an early stage of careful planning and direction.

Early graduation through an accelerated program of study is not usually open to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Music program, candidates in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program, or those who wish to do student teaching in order to gain New York State provisional teaching certification within the Bachelor of Arts program.