All students majoring in Computer Science are required to complete a year-long Senior Evaluation in their senior year. A Senior Evaluation represents the highest point of a student's degree in Computer Science. A Senior Evaluation is typically a well-defined project whose end result is a specific deliverable software. An application, an empirical study, a survey, or replicating an existing result are example categories of projects. A Senior Evaluation has an expectation of producing new knowledge or advancement in a specific computer science area. Identifying a project is typically done in the fall semester of the senior year and the actual project is developed in the spring semester. Therefore, Senior Evaluation is split into two courses: Senior Evaluation Proposal and Senior Evaluation. In the fall semester, students will explore project possibilities and do background research and by the end will choose a project they will be developing and delivering in the spring semester. Students are required to submit and present the Senior Evaluation proposals (1-page) in the fall semester. In the spring semester, students are required to submit a formal Senior Evaluation Report to their advisors a week before they present the Senior Evaluation.





Prerequisite: MAC.3997