Grades and Grading Scale
Grades are defined as follows.
“A” (4.0) for work of exceptional quality that demonstrates deep insight into the
material of the course and mastery of the discipline’s method of inquiry. Work at this level clearly exceeds relevant standards.
“B” (3.0), for work of good quality that demonstrates a thorough grasp of the material of the course and the discipline’s method of inquiry. Work at this level clearly meets relevant standards.
“C” (2.0), for work that is may be satisfactory in quantity but qualitatively demonstrates only a weak mastery of the material and the methods.
“F” (0.0), for work that is unsatisfactory and/or incomplete, showing little or no mastery of the material or method of inquiry. F is also used when a student withdraws from a course after the withdrawal deadline.
The following grades can also be assigned by instructors: A-, B+, B-, C+, C-, and D. A grade of NP may be assigned for doctoral courses, indicating limited mastery. Officially approved withdrawal from a course by the student will be marked by a grade of W, administratively-initiated withdrawal by a grade of “WA” or “WF,” for withdrawal while failing or for sanction. A grade of “Z” is used as a temporary placeholder for coursework that extends beyond the end date of the course's term, in very limited, pre-determined cases for doctoral dissertations and certain internships.
The following scale has been adopted by the School of Education full-time faculty in converting from numerical to letter grades:
A = 95 and above
A- = 90-94
B+ = 86-89
B = 83-85
B- = 80-83
C+ = 76-79
C = 73-75
C- = 70-72
D = 60-69
F = 59 and below
A grade for a course or for an assignment is NOT an invitation to negotiation. Instructors will rely on their own professional judgment, in consultation with their department chairs, on whether they will allow students to rewrite or otherwise resubmit unacceptable assignments. Work submitted after deadlines stated in the course syllabus may have a lowered grade or may not be allowed at all, in accordance with the policy stated on the course syllabus.