2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog



Dr. Jing Gao, Physics Coordinator

Contact Number: 908-737-3585
Location: B-220B
Email:  jgao@kean.edu

Degrees Offered:
Physics Minor

Admissions Requirements:
Students must have taken required physics courses with a grade of C and better.

Start terms:
This program offers admission in any academic term.

Declaration Requirements:
Students must pass all the required and elective physics courses with a grade of C and better 

Graduation Requirements:
Students must pass all the required and elective courses with a grade of C and better

Program Description: 
The Physics Minor will be granted upon completion of 19 semester hours of Physics Courses. Required courses are Phys. 2095, Phys. 2196, Phys. 2197 and Phys. 4592. The remaining 3 semester hours can choose between Phys.4593 and Phys. 4901