2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog

Tuition and Fees

Tuition, fees and expenses are established by the Board of Trustees and are subject to change by the Board. Tuition rates are published several times during the year on the Kean University Student Accounting Website http://www.kean.edu/offices/student-accounting/tuition-and-fees and KeanWISE.

Students should log into the Student Account Suite via KeanWISE to get updated billing as well as other related information regarding their student account.

Kean University Fall 2017/Spring 2018 Tuition & Fees

Full-Time Flat Rate
(12-19 Credits)
In-State Out-of-State
Tuition $3,954.50 $7,405.50
Fees $2,098.75 $2,098.75
Total $6,053.25 $9,504.25

Per Credit Rate In-State Out-of-State
Tuition  $308.00  $523.00 
Fees  $154.00 $154.00 
Total  $462.00  $677.00 
Fee Descriptions In-State and Out-of-State Fee Rates
Per Credit Fee Flat Rate Fee 
Athletic/Recreation Fee  $9.00 $135.00
Campus Improvement Fee $4.00 $60.00
Capital Improvement Fee  $67.00  $980.00
General Service Fee  $53.00  $620.00
Library Improvement Fee  $2.00  $30.00
Student Leadership Fee  $5.00  $63.75
Technology Fee  $6.00 $90.00
Transportation Fee $1.00  $15.00
University Center Fee  $7.00  $105.00
Total $154.00 $2,098.75

Full-Time Overload
(More than 19 Credits)
In-State Out-of-State
Per Credit Rate $308.00 $523.00