2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin

Repetition of Courses

CUNY F-Grade Policy

Beginning in the Fall 1990 semester and in any semester thereafter, the grade of F, FIN, or WU is not computed in the grade point average when a student repeats the failed course and receives a grade of C or better. The original F, FIN, or WU, however, remains on the student’s official transcript. The number of failing credits that can be omitted from the grade point average in this manner is limited to 16 for the duration of the student’s undergraduate enrollment in CUNY.

Multiple Repetitions of the Same Course

Students who receive the grade of F, W, WU, FIN, or any combination of these grades two times for the same course shall receive notice by email from the Registrar of this policy at which time students shall also be directed to speak with an advisor from the Academic Advisement Center or the coordinator of the student’s major or minor, as appropriate, or with a SEEK counselor if the student is in the SEEK Program.

Students who receive the grade of F, W, WU, FIN, or any combination of these grades three times for the same course shall be barred from registering the following semester because the student is not making appropriate progress toward a degree. A stop shall be placed on the registration of such students by the Registrar. Such students are required to be advised by the Academic Advisement Center or the coordinator of the student’s major or minor, as appropriate, or by a SEEK counselor if the student is in the SEEK Program. Such students shall be permitted to register only after a plan of study is developed and agreed to in writing and official written permission for the student to register is transmitted to the Registrar. If it is determined that the student is unable to make progress toward completing the degree, the student may be permanently barred from registering.

Students may appeal this decision in writing to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies or to the Registrar.

Required Repetition

Students who receive the grade of F, FIN or WU in a required course must repeat the course at the next earliest opportunity.

Students who do not pass remedial or developmental courses must re-enroll in these courses during the next semester of attendance. The following remedial or developmental courses are offered at the College:

  • EAP 121 and EAP 131
  • ENGW 100
  • MATH 103

Prohibited Repetition

A course for which credit has already been granted may not be repeated. Students will not be granted credit toward their degrees for repeated courses.

Repetition of Remedial and Developmental Courses

The following policy shall apply in the matter of grades assigned for remedial and developmental courses.

  • A student shall not be permitted to register at the College if he or she has received two Fs, FINs WUs, WNs or Rs, or any combination thereof in the same course.
  • After receiving two Fs, FINs WUs, WNs or Rs, or any combination thereof in the same course, students are prevented from registering at John Jay College until they pass the course at a CUNY community college. This decision is final.
  • Students wishing to continue within CUNY must apply to and be accepted by a community college.