2015-2016 Graduate Bulletin

Criminal Investigation, Advanced Certificate

The Advanced Certificate in Criminal Investigation Program is designed for students who wish to engage in research, become homeland security professionals at local, state or federal levels, or join U.S. agencies concerned with criminal investigation.

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the Constitution as it relates to criminal investigations
  • Apply the rules and ethics of evidence to case studies
  • Use the rules and ethics of crime scene investigation to analyze diverse examples of crime scenes.
The Advanced Certificate in Criminal Investigation is an interdisciplinary program. All courses are offered by the Master of Arts program in Criminal Justice. This is a stand-alone certificate at the post-baccalaureate level. A student may pursue the advanced certificate independent of a master’s program or while pursuing a John Jay master’s degree.

Requirements for the Advanced Certificate

  • An undergraduate degree from an accredited institution
  • Satisfactory letters of reference

Required Courses

CRJ 708Law, Evidence and Ethics


CRJ 733The Constitution and Criminal Justice


CRJ 751Crime Scene Investigation


Total Credit Hours:9

Elective Courses

Students must select one of the courses listed below.
CRJ 745Legal Aspects of Undercover Activity


CRJ 753Investigating Cybercrime


CRJ 762Investigation of Violent Crime


Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 12

For additional information about the Advanced Certificate Program, please contact Professor Avram Bornstein at 212.237.8287 or via email at abornstein@jjay.cuny.edu.