CHM 111 | General Chemistry I | 3 |
CHM 116 | General Chemistry Laboratory I | 1 |
EGR 101 | Engineering Innovations I | 2 |
EGR 102 | Engineering Innovations II | 1 |
EGR 160 | Engineering Analysis | 3 |
EGR 215 | Rigid Body Statics | 3 |
EGR 216 | Rigid Body Dynamics | 3 |
EGR 217 | Strength of Materials | 3 |
EGR 218 | Engineering Thermodynamics | 3 |
EGR 230 | Introduction to Electrical Engineering | 3 |
EGR 261/CHM 361 | Materials Science and Engineering | 3 |
MEC 300 | Current Topics in Mechanical Engineering | 3 |
MEC 320 | Mechanical Design | 3 |
MEC 330 | Solid Modeling and Manufacturing | 3 |
MEC 331 | Solid Modeling and Manufacturing Lab | 1 |
MEC 350 | Fluid Mechanics | 3 |
MEC 360 | Heat Transfer | 3 |
MEC 430 | Dynamic Systems | 3 |
MEC 433 | Mechanical Engineering Design Methodology | 3 |
MEC 435 | Senior Design | 3 |
MTH 161 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus I | 4 |
MTH 162 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus II | 4 |
MTH 261 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus III | 4 |
MTH 265 | Differential Equations | 3 |
PHY 220 | University Physics I | 3 |
PHY 221 | University Physics I Lab | 1 |
PHY 222 | University Physics II | 3 |
PHY 224 | University Physics III | 3 |
PHY 225 | University Physics III Lab | 1 |
SCI 147 | Catholicism, Science, and Technology I | 1 |
SCI 247 | Catholicism, Science, and Technology II | 1 |
SCI 347 | Catholicism, Science, and Technology III | 1 |
SCI 447 | Catholicism, Science, and Technology IV | 1 |
| ME Lab 1 | 1 |
| ME Lab 2 | 1 |
| Technical Elective | 3 |
| Technical Elective | 3 |
ME LABS - Choose two of the following: MEC 227 Strength of Materials Lab, MEC 351 Fluid Mechanics Lab, or MEC 361 Heat Transfer lab
TECHNICAL ELECTIVES - Choose any 300-level or higher MEC class, EGR 260, BUS 202, BUS 205, BUS 206, ACC 207, ACC 208, or ECO 202.
Choose two of the following: MEC 227 Strength of Materials Lab, MEC 351 Fluid Mechanics Lab, or MEC 351 Heat Transfer lab
Technical Electives: Choose any 300-level or higher MEC class, EGR 260, BUS 202, BUS 205, BUS 206, ACC 207, ACC 208, or ECO 202.