Sacred Music

Dr. Monica Anderson, chair

Dr. Jessica Ewell

Prof. Nicholas Will


The program in sacred music prepares students for careers as church musicians, performers, and for graduate-level study in music. The Major in Sacred Music may be pursued in either the program in organ or the program in voice. Entrance into the major is dependent upon a successful audition. Students are prepared in ecclesial song and performance through weekly, private instruction on their major instrument, a year of private instruction on a secondary instrument, courses in sacred music, and participation in the Schola Cantorum Franciscana. Students receive comprehensive theoretical training through two years of music theory, which includes weekly classes in sight-singing and ear-training. These skills are then refined in further academic study of music history and development, classes in conducting, and in sacred music courses.

Assessment Learning Goals

  1. To attain a professional level of ability in performance
  2. To attain a professional level of ability participating in and leading ensembles
  3. To attain a working knowledge of the Liturgy and its music

Sacred Music Course Descriptions