Teacher Education Committee

Correct as of August 15 2017
Y34G Advisory Committee
Office Member Member's Department Description of Position

Selection Method

(See list below)

Voting Member Term Length Term Years
Chair Ann Bullock Dean, Education & Wellness Director of Teacher Education 1 Yes - -
Jeff Carpenter Education & Wellness Coordinator of Secondary and K-12 Programs 2 Yes - -
Mary Knight-McKenna Education & Wellness Director of Graduate Licensure Program 2 Yes - -
Marna Winter Education & Wellness Education Department Chair 1 Yes - -
  Anne Roycroft Education & Wellness   Director of Accreditation Yes     
Lesley Henry Education & Wellness Director of Education Outreach 1 Yes - -
(Jeff Carpenter) Education & Wellness Director of Teaching Fellows Program 1 Yes - -
Allison Bryan Education & Wellness Director of the Curriculum Resources Center 1 Yes - -
  Jennifer Strange Dean's office  Coordinator of Graduate Programs, Teacher Education Admission and Digital Communications ex-officio       
  Celeste Richards  Dean's office  Administrative Assistant ex-officio      
Faculty Members serving as Licensure Program Coordinators
Heidi Hollingsworth Education & Wellness Coordinator of Early Childhood Education 2 Yes - -
Kim Pyne English Coordinator of English Education 2 Yes - -
Scott Morrison Education & Wellness Coordinator of History/Social Studies Education 2 Yes - -
Jan Mays Mathematics Coordinator of Mathematics Education 2 Yes - -
Scott Morrison Education & Wellness Coordinator of Middle Grades Education 2 Yes - -
Erin Hone Education & Wellness Coordinator of Elementary Education 2 Yes - -
  Julie Justice  Education & Wellness   M.Ed. - Elementary  2 Yes    
Gerald Knight Music Coordinator of Music Education 2 Yes - -
Lynda Butler- Storsved Education & Wellness Coordinator of Physical Education and Health Licensure 2 Yes - -
Terry Tomasek Education & Wellness Coordinator of Science Education 2 Yes - -
April Post World Languages & Cultures Coordinator of Spanish Education 2 Yes - -
Stephen Byrd Education & Wellness Coordinator of Special Education 2 Yes - -
Public School Representatives
Lisa Thompson Public School Representative (#1) 3 Yes 1 year 2018-2019
(Vacant) Public School Representative (#2) 3 Yes 1 year
Student Members

Mirella Cisneros Student Member/teaching candidate (#1) 3 No 1 year 2017-2019
Kristen O'Neil Student Member/teaching candidate (#2) 3 No 1 year 2017-2019

Methods of Selection for this Committee:

1= Appointed by the Dean of Education

2= Appointed by Dean and serve as Program Area Coordinator(s)

3= Elected by the Teacher Education Committee