File for Promotion to Associate Librarian


Librarians standing for promotion will create a promotion file documenting their accomplishments to be considered by the Promotion Review Committee. The candidate will also meet with the committee if requested. The promotion file will include material from the librarian’s personnel file and may be supplemented by other materials. The file will include the following parts organized in sequential order from Part 1 through Part 7 of the portfolio:

Part 1: Letter expressing the intent to apply for promotion. The letter should summarize the candidate’s case for promotion. 

Part 2: Current curriculum vitae.

Part 3: Current position description.

Part 4: Performance evaluations for the previous six years.

Part 5: Annual self-assessment report for the previous six years (or all on file)

Part 6: Description, documentation, and examples where appropriate of the librarian’s accomplishments under the promotion criteria for Librarianship, Professional Achievement, and Service. Documents can include but are not limited to copies of publications, supplemental letters of recommendation, participant evaluations of classes or programs, and materials created for instruction or library publicity.

Part 7: Letter of support from the librarian’s current supervisor.