Teaching Fellow Advisory Committee


Membership List Y24S.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Teaching Fellow Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Director, the Dean of Education, and the Provost/Executive Vice President.


  • Provost/Executive Vice President
  • Dean of Education
  • Director of Teaching Fellows Program
  • Director of Multicultural Center
  • Two teaching faculty members
  • Two representatives from the Alamance Burlington Schools
  • Four students, one from each of the four classes of Teaching Fellows

Policies and Procedures

The Teaching Fellow Advisory Committee meets formally once a semester and may meet more often when necessary.


  • To make programmatic suggestions and give counsel regarding program policies and activities
  • To act as a forum for student and teaching faculty concerns regarding the Teaching Fellow Program
  • To help coordinate the Teaching Fellow Program's interaction with other campus programs and activities, such as the honors program
  • To participate when appropriate in Teaching Fellow activities