C. Responsibility (Social Policies)

University students are given and accept a high level of responsibility to self, to others and to the community. Conduct that violates this value includes but is not limited to:


2015.11.1  Alcohol: Possession and/or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by Students Under 21 Years of Age

Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages by any student on or off-campus or returning to campus after consuming by a student less than 21 years of age.   (At this level there may not be visible signs of intoxication.)  Note:  Possession of empty beverage containers or packaging may be considered evidence of possession or consumption of alcohol.


First Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed of and official reprimand; $50 fine, and alcohol education program or project. [Note: If there are no additional code of conduct violations during the following calendar year, the reprimand is removed from the student’s official record.]

Second Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed of and official warning; $150 fine, 10 campus restitution hours, alcohol education program or project, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Third Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed of and disciplinary probation; $300 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Fourth Offense – normally, suspension in abeyance or disciplinary suspension; $300 fine, 50 restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.


2015.11.2  Alcohol: Being Under the Influence of Alcoholic Beverages

A person who, having consumed alcoholic beverages, exhibits signs of intoxication and/or experiences any loss of the normal use of their mental and/or physical faculties. Examples include but are not limited to:  slurred speech, vomiting, stumbling or needing assistance walking, loss of motor coordination, aggression, brief loss of memory, or abusive behavior.


First Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed of and disciplinary probation; $150 fine, 10 campus restitution hours, alcohol education program or project, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Second Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed of and suspension in abeyance or disciplinary suspension; $300 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Third Offense – normally, disciplinary suspension for one year.


2015.11.3  Alcohol: Extreme Intoxication

A person who, having consumed alcoholic beverages, exhibits signs of significant and/or dangerous intoxication. Examples include but are not limited to: blacked out, loss of consciousness or limited responsiveness, no withdrawal from painful stimuli, loss of bladder/bowel functions, excessive vomiting, or severe physical depression (slow or shallow breathing, pale or blue-tinged skin, or reduced heart rate). 


First Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension for one year; $150 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, alcohol education program or project, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations.

Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension with possible permanent separation; $300 fine, 50 campus restitution hours, alcohol education program or project, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations.

Third Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension for at least one full year with possible permanent separation.


2015.11.4  Alcohol: Rapid Consumption of Alcohol or Actions that May Endanger the Well-being of Self or Others

Any form of rapid consumption of alcohol or participation in drinking games that may create a risk of danger to self, others or the university community.  Examples include but are not limited to: bongs, shots, keg stands, beer pong, flip cup, and the like.


First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension for one year; $150 fine, 10 campus restitution hours, educational program or project, substance abuse assessment and completion of recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension with possible permanent separation; $300 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, educational program or project, substance abuse assessment and completion of recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Third Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension for one year with possible permanent separation.


2015.11.5  Alcohol: Public Consumption and/or Possession of Alcohol

Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed by students who are 21 years of age or older only in their housing assignment (room, suite or apartment) or another location approved by the University. Alcohol is not allowed in the common areas of residential buildings, in non-residential buildings, or outdoors except for events where alcohol use has been formally approved.


First Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed of and official reprimand; $50 fine, and alcohol education program or project.

Second Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed of and official warning; $150 fine, 10 campus restitution hours, alcohol education program or project, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Third Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed of and disciplinary probation or suspension in abeyance; $300 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Fourth Offense – normally, disciplinary suspension for one year.


2015.11.6  Alcohol: Provision and/or Distribution of Alcohol to Students Under 21 Years of Age

By an individual – any person purchasing, providing or distributing alcohol to any individual below the age of 21 years.

By an organization – any organization that purchases, provides or distributes alcohol to any individual below the age of 21 years.

Sanctions- for an individual:

First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation or suspension in abeyance with possible permanent separation; $150 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, alcohol education program or project, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension for one year with possible permanent separation; $300 fine; substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations.

Sanctions – By an organization (within a four-year period):

First Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed, loss of specific social privileges for up to one academic year with possible loss of university housing and/or recognition for one year, $400 fine, 25 restitution hours per member present at event, and education program or project.

Second Offense – normally, not less than loss of university housing and/or recognition for one year with possible permanent loss of university recognition.


2015.11.7  Alcohol: Sponsorship of an Activity Involving the Unauthorized use of Alcoholic Beverages by Individuals, Residential communities, or University-Recognized Organizations

Sponsorship of any activity or event involving the use of alcoholic beverages without specific university approval to do so, said sponsorship being carried out by an individual, residence hall floor/suite/apartment, or organizations.

Sanctions – for individuals:

First Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed, disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; $150 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, and alcohol education program or project.

Second Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension; $300 fine; substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations. 

Sanctions – for residential areas or Organizations (within a four-year period):

First Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed, loss of specific social privileges for up to one academic year with possible loss of university housing and/or recognition for one year, $400 fine, 25 restitution hours per member present at event, and education program or project.

Second Offense – normally, not less than loss of university housing and/or recognition for one year with possible permanent loss of university recognition.


2015.11.8  Alcohol: Possession of a Keg, Common Alcohol Beverage Container or Excessive Amounts of Alcohol on University-Owned Property or by a Student Organization on or off the Campus

Possession and/or consumption of a keg or any common container of alcohol, including buckets, pony kegs and other bulk containers. This includes kegs and multi-serving containers that are empty. Students may not have more than the equivalent of 12 drinks per number of legal age residents in campus housing. (Example: one drink is a 12 ounce beer, 4 ounce glass of wine or 2 ounces of liquor.)

NOTE: As with all other alcohol violations, kegs and multi-serving containers that are confiscated will not be returned to the student and all claims to deposit refunds are forfeited.

Sanctions – for individuals:

First Offense – normally, not less than container confiscated and disposed of; disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; $150 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, alcohol education program or project.

Second Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension for one year; $300 fine; substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations. 

Sanctions – for residential areas or organizations (within a four-year period):

First Offense – normally, not less than alcohol confiscated and disposed, loss of social privileges for up to one academic year with possible loss of university housing and/or recognition for one year, $400 fine, 25 restitution hours per member present at event, and education program or project.

Second Offense – normally, not less than loss of university housing and/or recognition for one year with possible permanent loss of university recognition.


2015.11.9  Alcohol: Alcohol-related vehicular violations

Any operation of a motor vehicle during or following consumption of alcohol that creates a risk of danger to self, others or the university community.


First Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension for one year; $200 fine, 25 campus restitution hours and restitution, educational program or project, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations.

Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension for one year with possible permanent separation; $200 to $400 fine, 50 campus restitution hours and restitution, educational program or project, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations.

Third Offense – normally, not less than permanent separation.


2015.12 Arrest

Failure of any student to accurately report an off-campus arrest by any law enforcement agency for any crime to the Office of Student Conduct within seventy-two (72) hours of release.


First Offense – sanctions align with the reason for the arrest and potentially concurrent charges of code of conduct violations.

 2015.13 Behavior that Endangers the Health & Safety of Self and/or Others

Any behavior that creates a risk of danger to self, others or the university community.  Behaviors include but are not limited to intentionally injuring oneself; creating a disturbance that may lead to a dangerous situation; propping doors to residence halls; not calling for medical assistance when a fellow student is at risk due to alcohol or drugs; throwing objects from windows or balconies; water balloon fights; disclosure and/or use of residence hall/Greek house combinations or door access cards by an individual other than a resident of the community; failure to evacuate a building during a fire alarm; and being on the roof or unapproved balcony of any buildings.

First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension for one year; $150 to $300 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, restitution, educational program or project, and referral for a mental health or certified substance abuse assessment.
Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension with possible permanent separation; $200 to $400 fine, 50 campus restitution hours and restitution and educational program or project.

Third Offense – normally, not less than permanent separation.


2015.14.1  Drugs: Use or Possession of Controlled, Illegal or Prohibited Substances

Any possession or use of controlled, prohibited, or illegal substances or use of (or intent to use) substances for purposes or in manners not as directed.  Examples include but are not limited to:  possession or use of illegal substances; possession or use of prescription drugs without a valid/current medical prescription; use of prescribed medication not as directed (over-use, snorting prescribed medication, and the like); huffing, snorting, smoking or otherwise possessing or using legal substances not as intended.  Substances such as JWH-018 (K2, “Spice”), salvia and pyrovalerone derivatives (found in substances marketed as “bath salts”) are not intended for human consumption and are prohibited for possession or use by any Elon student. 


First Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible permanent separation (depending on type/amount of prohibited substance); $200 fine, 25 restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations.

Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension for one year with possible permanent separation; $400 fine, 25 campus restitution hours and restitution, educational program or project, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations.


2015.14.2  Drugs: Distribution or Sale of Prohibited, Controlled or Illegal Substances

Any sale or distribution (including distribution without financial gain) of controlled or illegal substances or any substances prohibited by the Elon University Drug Policy.  This includes sharing of prescription medication. 

First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension for at least one full year with possible permanent separation from the university (depending on type/amount of prohibited substance); $300-$400 fine, 50 campus restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Second Offense – normally, not less than permanent separation.


2015.14.3  Drugs: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Possession and/or use of drug paraphernalia, including, but not limited to, roach clips, bongs, hookahs, blow tubes, papers, scales or any material or apparatus containing drug residue.

First Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension; $100 fine, 15 campus restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.

Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension with possible permanent separation; $200 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter. 

Third Offense – normally, not less than permanent separation.


2015.14.4  Drugs: Accessory to Drug Use, Possession or Sale

Being in the presence of or aiding and abetting the possession, sale or use of prohibited, controlled or illegal substances.

First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible permanent separation; $150 fine, 15 campus restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter.
Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension with possible permanent separation; $300 fine, 25 campus restitution hours, substance abuse assessment and compliance with recommendations, and parent/guardian notification letter. 


2015.15 Failure to Comply with the Directive of a University Official

Direct disobedience of an order of a university employee (including, but not limited to, assistant directors, resident assistants, house captains, student life staff, lab supervisors, dining hall personnel, faculty and police/security staff). This includes, but is not limited to, failure to evacuate a building, campus, or area of campus when so ordered by a university official (including evacuating a building during a fire alarm); refusing to present an ID upon request; failure to comply with a reasonable request of a faculty or staff person; or failure to complete prescribed sanctions as given by an administrative hearing officer or hearing board.

First Offense – normally, not less than official warning with possible disciplinary suspension, 15 campus restitution hours and $50 fine.
Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible permanent separation, 25 campus restitution hours and $100 fine.

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