Residential Campus Advisory Committee

Correct as of January 11, 2016

Y23N Advisory  Committee  

Office Member Member's Department Description of Position

Selection Method

(See list below)

Voting Member Term Length Term Years

Co-Chair Shannon Lundeen Student Life
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, or his/her designee ex-officio Yes * - -
Co-Chair Jon Dooley Student Life Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, or his/her designee ex-officio Yes * - -

Elaine Turner Residence Life Director of Residence Life ex-officio Yes * - -

Brandy Propst Academic Advising
Representative from First Year Committee 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

Jeff Stein President's Office President's Senior Advisor ex-officio Yes * - -

Jeffrey Coker Biology Director of Elon Core Curriculum, or his/her designee from the Core Curriculum Council, when absent ex-officio Yes * - -

John Pickett Center for Access and Success
Representative from Inclusive Committee 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

Nancy Midgette History Lead Faculty Director for a Residential Neighborhood
ex-officio Yes * - -

Larry Mellinger Campus Recreation Representative from Wellness (HHP or Campus Recreation) 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

T.J. Bowie
Campus Dining
Coordinator for Residential Campus Dining and Engagement

Faculty Members

Stephen Braye** English Faculty Member (#1) from CAS: Fine Arts and Humanities 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017
  Jason Aryeh**
 Performing Arts
Faculty Member (#1) from CAS: Fine Arts and Humanities

Steve Moore Environmental Studies Faculty Member (#2) from CAS: Mathematics and Natural Sciences 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

Alexis Franzese Sociology Faculty Member (#3) from CAS: Social Sciences 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

Amy Moorman Management Faculty Member (#4) from the School of Business 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

Staci Saltz Communications Faculty Member (#5) from the School of Communications 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

Lynda Butler-Storsved Education Faculty Member (#6) from the School of Education 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

Srikant Vallabhajosula Physical Therapy Faculty Member (#7) from the School of Health Sciences 1 Yes * 2 years 2015-2017

(* Faculty/staff are ineligible to vote on funding from this committee for their own initiatives)

       (** Should be one member from CAS Fine Arts and Humanities.  Will rectify when terms expire)

Student Members

Rachel Hobbs
Student Member (#1) 2 Yes 1 year 2015-2016

Student Member (#2) 3 Yes 1 year 2015-2016

Methods of Selection for this Committee:

1= Members appointed by the Provost/Executive Vice President and the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students
         2= Appointed by SGA
         3= Appointed by Resident Student Association