Athletics Committee

Correct as of January 11, 2016
Y29C Standing Committee
Office Member Member's Department Description of Position Selection Method (See list below) Voting Member Term Length Term Years
Dave Blank Athletics Director of Athletics ex-officio No - -
Clay Hassard Athletics Athletics Department Compliance Coordinator ex-officio No - -
Faith Schearer Athletics Senior Women Administrator ex-officio No - -
Eric Hall Exercise Science Faculty Athletics Representative 3 Yes
Year One (Group A)
Chair Jessalynn Strauss Communications Faculty Member from School of Communications 1 Yes 3 years 2014-2017
Duke Hutchings Computing Sciences Faculty Member from College of Arts and Sciences 1 Yes 3 years 2014-2017
Year Two (Group B)
Chris Harris Finance Faculty Member from School of Business 1 Yes 3 years 2015-2018
Elizabeth Bailey Health and Human Performance Faculty Member from School of Education 1 Yes 3 years 2015-2018
Year Three (Group C)
Jane Wellford Performing Arts Faculty Member from College of Arts and Sciences 1 Yes 3 years 2013-2016
Antonio Izzo Biology At-Large Faculty Member 1 Yes 3 years 2013-2016
Student Members

(#1) Student Member 2 Yes 1 year 2015-2016
(#2) Student Member: President of the Elon University Student Athletic Advisory Council or his/her designated appointee from the SAAC Executive Committee ex-officio Yes 1 year 2015-2016
Methods of Selection for this Committee:
1 = Elected by Faculty in Spring Semester
2 = Appointed by SGA President
3 = Appointed by the President of the University