Campus Maps

Heritage Campus Map

Visual map of Del Mar College Heritage Campus (2022), with buildings coded for use with map legend.
Del Mar College (Heritage Campus) - Map Legend
Building Code Building Name
AQ Aquatic Center
AU Richardson Performance Hall
CB Coles Classroom Building
CL Lichtenstein Center for Early Learning
CP Creighton Plaza
FA Fine Arts Center (Art, Drama, Radio/TV)
FC Fine Arts Center (Music)
FM Fine Arts Music
G Gymnasium
GENC General Academic C
GEND General Academic D
GS Garcia Science Building
HA Heldenfels Administration Building
HC Harvin Student Center
KN Kinesiology
L White Library (closed for renovation)
MB Maintenance Building
MC Memorial Classroom
MS Multiservice Center
MUSA Music A
MUSB Music B
PL Central Plant
S St. Clair Building
VB Venters Business Building

Windward Campus Map

Visual map of Del Mar College Windward Campus (2022), with buildings coded for use with map legend.
Del Mar College (Windward Campus) - Map Legend
Building Code Building Name
AB Auto Body Applied Technology
AC Air Conditioning Technology
AM Aviation Maintenance Technology
AS Automotive Shop
CC Coleman Center
DS Diesel Technology
ET Emerging Technology
ETB Emergency Training Building
FT Flato Technology
GH Guard House
GP General Purpose
HS1 Health Sciences 1 (south)
HS2 Health Sciences 2 (center)
HS3 Health Sciences 3 (north)
LC Barth Learning Resources Center
MT Metals Technology
MV Maintenance Building
NE Nutrition Education and Service Center
PS1 Public Safety Classroom and Laboratory
PS2 Public Safety Annex
PS3 Public Safety Burn Tower
PS4 Public Safety Simulated Residence
RM Restaurant Management
WDC Workforce Development Center
WEC West Education Center