Hazlewood Act Exemption

The following information has been extracted from the Hazlewood and Education Services section of the Texas Veterans Commission website (https://www.tvc.texas.gov/education/hazlewood).

Veteran Qualifications

A Veteran must:

  • At the time of entry into active duty the U.S. Armed Forces,
    • designated Texas as Home of Record;
    • or entered the service in Texas;
    • or was a Texas resident;
  • Have received an honorable discharge or separation or a general discharge under honorable conditions as indicated on the Veteran's Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214);
  • Served at least 181 days of active duty service (excluding training);
  • Currently reside in Texas;
  • Have no federal Veterans Education Benefits, or have no federal Veterans Education Benefits dedicated to the payment of tuition and fees only (such as CH.33 Post 9/11-“Forever” GI Bill or CH.31 Veteran Readiness & Employment); for term or semester enrolled that do not exceed the value of Hazlewood benefits;
  • Not be in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by the State of Texas;
  • Enroll in classes for which the college receives tax support (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its cost), unless the college’s governing board has ruled to let Veterans receive the benefit while taking non-funded courses; and
  • Meet the GPA requirement of the institution's satisfactory academic progress policy in a degree or certificate program as determined by the institution's financial aid policy and, as an undergraduate student, not be considered to have attempted an excessive amount of credit hours.*

*See Del Mar College Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Hazlewood Act Application Process

A Veteran must:

  • Provide proof (DD-214) from the Department of Defense regarding military service and the nature of discharge;
  • Provide proof of eligibility or ineligibility for GI Bill benefits by requesting a Certificate of Eligibility for federal education benefits from https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply/ (if Veteran has active duty service after 9/11/2001);
  • Fill out the Hazlewood Act Exemption Application (PDF) (https://www.tvc.texas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Forms-TVC-ED-1-and-TVC-ED-1a-Texas_Hazlewood_Act_Exemption_Application_with_Supporting_Documents_Instructions-June-2016.pdf);
  • Turn in the Hazlewood Act Exemption Application, a copy of letter of eligibility/ineligibility, and a copy of DD-214 to Veterans Services;
  • Additional items that must be submitted include:
    • Proof of registration in the Hazlewood Act Exemption database (https://hazlewood.tvc.texas.gov/students/Account/Login);
    • Valid Texas Driver's License or ID;
    • Intent to Enroll (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Disclaimer (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Degree Plan;
    • Course Schedule;
    • Receipt of payment for the Student Activity Fee and any other non-mandatory fees.

Applications and all supporting documentation must be received by Del Mar College no later than the last day of class for the semester or term in order to be processed.

Steps for continuing students wanting to use the Hazlewood Act Exemption:

  • Provide all required documentation to Veteran Services.
    • Intent to Enroll (Obtain from Veterans Services)
    • Disclaimer (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Hazlewood Act Exemption Application For Continued Enrollment (PDF) (https://www.tvc.texas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Form-TVC-ED-2-Texas_Hazlewood_Act_Exemption_-Application_For_Continued_Enrollment-June-2016.pdf)
    • dCourse Schedule
    • Receipt of payment for the Student Activity Fee and any other non-mandatory fees.

Legacy Act (Child) Qualifications

Eligible Veterans may assign unused hours of exemption eligibility to a child under certain conditions.

A child (Legacy Act recipient) must:

  • Be classified by the institution as a Texas resident;
  • Be the biological child, stepchild, adopted child, or claimed as a dependent in the current or previous tax year;
  • Be 25 years old or younger on the first day of the semester or term for which the exemption is claimed (unless granted an extension due to a qualifying illness or debilitating condition);
  • Have no federal Veteran’s Education Benefits, or have no federal Veterans Education Benefits dedicated to the payment of tuition and fees only (such as CH.33 Post 9/11-“Forever” GI Bill); for term or semester enrolled that do not exceed the value of Hazlewood benefits;
  • Not be in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by the State of Texas;
  • Enroll in classes for which the college receives tax support (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its cost), unless the college’s governing board has ruled to let Veterans receive the benefit while taking non-funded courses; and
  • Meet the GPA requirement of the institution's satisfactory academic progress policy in a degree or certificate program as determined by the institution's financial aid policy and, as an undergraduate student, not be considered to have attempted an excessive amount of credit hours.*

*See Del Mar College Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Legacy Act recipients will receive an exemption for the number of degree certified hours reported by the institution for that term or semester. Maximum degree certified hours awarded to the Legacy Act recipient will be dependent upon the degree or certificate program in which the student is enrolled for that term or semester and shall be consistent with the program length as defined within the school catalog as approved by the regional accreditation commission.

If a child to whom hours have been delegated fails to use all of the assigned hours, a Veteran may re-assign the unused hours that are available to another child. Only one child will use Hazlewood Legacy benefits at a time.

Legacy Act Application Process

A child (Legacy Act recipient) of a Veteran must:

  • Provide Veteran’s proof (DD-214) from the Department of Defense regarding military service and the nature of discharge;
  • Provide proof of eligibility or ineligibility for GI Bill benefits by requesting a Certificate of Eligibility for federal education benefits from https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply/ (if Veteran has active duty service after 9/11/2001);
  • Fill out the Hazlewood Act Exemption Application (PDF) (https://www.tvc.texas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Forms-TVC-ED-1-and-TVC-ED-1a-Texas_Hazlewood_Act_Exemption_Application_with_Supporting_Documents_Instructions-June-2016.pdf);
  • Turn in the Hazlewood Act Exemption Application, a copy of letter of eligibility/ineligibility, and a copy of Veteran’s DD-214 to Veterans Services;
  • Additional items that must be submitted include:
    • Proof of registration in the Hazlewood Act Exemption database (https://hazlewood.tvc.texas.gov/students/Account/Login);
    • Valid Texas Driver's License or ID;
    • Intent to Enroll (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Disclaimer (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Degree Plan;
    • Course Schedule;
    • Receipt of payment for the Student Activity Fee and any other non-mandatory fees.

Applications and all supporting documentation must be received by Del Mar College no later than the last day of class for the semester or term in order to be processed.

Steps for continuing students wanting to use the Legacy Act:

  • Provide all required documentation to Veterans Services:
    • Intent to Enroll (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Disclaimer (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Hazlewood Act Exemption Application For Continued Enrollment (PDF) (https://www.tvc.texas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Form-TVC-ED-2-Texas_Hazlewood_Act_Exemption_-Application_For_Continued_Enrollment-June-2016.pdf)
    • Course Schedule
    • Receipt of payment for the Student Activity Fee and any other non-mandatory fees.

Hazlewood Act for Spouse/Child

Spouse / Child of a Hazlewood Act Exemption benefit-eligible Veteran who is determined by the VA to be 100%, total and permanent, service-connected veteran or one who became totally disabled for purposes of employability as a result of a service-related injury or illness who meet the requirements below are entitled to receive a 150 credit hours exemption each.


A Spouse / Child must:

  • Be a Spouse / Child of a Veteran who, at the time of entry into the U.S. Armed Forces,
    • be classified by the institution as a Texas resident,
    • designated Texas as Home of Record,
    • or entered the service in Texas;
  • Be a Spouse / Child of a Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces or the Texas National Guard who died as a result of service-related injuries or;
    • 100% total and permanently service-connected disable as determined by VA with a current Summary of Benefits Letter as proof, or
    • Missing in action (MIA), or
    • Killed in action (KIA).
  • Have no federal Veterans Education Benefits, or have no federal Veterans Education Benefits dedicated to the payment of tuition and fees only (such as CH.33 Post 9/11-“Forever” GI Bill) for term or semester enrolled that do not exceed the value of Hazlewood benefits;
  • Be classified by the institution as a Texas resident; and
  • Not be in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by the State of Texas;
  • Enroll in classes for which the college receives tax support (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its cost), unless the college’s governing board has ruled to let Veterans receive the benefit while taking non-funded courses; and
  • Meet the GPA requirement of the institution’s satisfactory academic progress policy in a degree or certificate program as determined by the institution’s financial aid policy and, as an undergraduate student, not be considered to have attempted an excessive amount of credit hours.* This requirement does not apply to the Spouse / Child of a MIA, KIA, or service-connected deceased Veteran.

*See Del Mar College Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Application Process for Spouse/Child

Spouse / Child of a Hazlewood Act Exemption benefit-eligible Veteran who is determined by the VA to be 100%, total and permanent, service-connected Veteran or one who became totally disabled for purposes of employability as a result of a service-related injury or illness or is MIA or was KIA must:

  • Provide Veteran’s proof (DD-214) from the Department of Defense regarding military service and the nature of discharge;
  • Provide proof of eligibility or ineligibility for GI Bill benefits by requesting a Certificate of Eligibility for federal education benefits from https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply/ (if Veteran has active duty service after 9/11/2001);
  • Fill out the Hazlewood Act Exemption Application (PDF) (https://www.tvc.texas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Forms-TVC-ED-1-and-TVC-ED-1a-Texas_Hazlewood_Act_Exemption_Application_with_Supporting_Documents_Instructions-June-2016.pdf);
  • Turn in the Hazlewood Act Exemption Application, a copy of letter of eligibility/ineligibility, and a copy of Veteran’s DD-214 to Veterans Services;
  • Additional items that must be submitted include:
    • Proof of registration in the Hazlewood Act Exemption database (https://hazlewood.tvc.texas.gov/students/Account/Login);
    • Proof of dependency;
    • Proof of Veteran’s VA rating or death;
    • Valid Texas Driver’s License or ID;
    • Intent to Enroll (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Disclaimer (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Degree Plan;
    • Course Schedule;
    • Receipt of payment for the Student Activity Fee and any other non-mandatory fees.

Applications and all supporting documentation must be received by Del Mar College no later than the last day of class for the semester or term in order to be processed.

Steps for continuing students wanting to use the Hazlewood Act for Spouse / Child:

  • Provide all required documentation to Veterans Services:
    • Intent to Enroll (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Disclaimer (Obtain from Veterans Services);
    • Hazlewood Act Exemption Application For Continued Enrollment (PDF) (https://www.tvc.texas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Form-TVC-ED-2-Texas_Hazlewood_Act_Exemption_-Application_For_Continued_Enrollment-June-2016.pdf)
    • Course Schedule
    • Receipt of payment for the Student Activity Fee and any other non-mandatory fees.

Certification of Veterans Education Benefits

Each semester Veterans Services must be notified of a student’s intention to utilize Veterans Education Benefits. Failure to do so could result in delayed Veterans Education Benefit(s) payment(s), dropped course(s), or tuition and fees debt with Del Mar College. Each of the Veterans Education Benefits below provides the following:

  • CH.1606 Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)* – Pays a monthly stipend for school attendance.
  • CH.30 Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (MGIB-AD)* – Pays a monthly stipend for school attendance.
  • CH.31 Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E) – Pays a monthly stipend for school attendance, tuition and fees, books/supplies.
  • CH.33 Post 9/11 (“Forever”) GI Bill** – Pays a monthly stipend for school attendance, tuition and fees, books/supplies, based on the student’s percentage of eligibility (50% - 100%)
  • CH.35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance (DEA)* – Pays a monthly stipend for school attendance.
  • Hazlewood Act Exemption – Exempts tuition and most but not all fees.

Some VA Education Benefits can be stacked with the Hazlewood Act Exemption to cover tuition and fees costs.

Students are responsible for paying late and other non-mandatory fees such as 3-peat fees.

*Students must pay tuition and fees or set up a payment plan prior with the Business Office to the payment deadline date(s) for the semester. Failure to do so will result in dropped courses due to non-payment.*

**Students receiving a percentage of CH.33 Post 9/11 (“Forever”) GI Bill (50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%) must pay tuition difference or set up a payment plan with the Business Office prior to the payment deadline date(s) for the semester. Failure to do so will result in dropped courses due to non-payment.**