2016-2017 Catalog

Residency Determination for Tuition Classification

Tuition classification is governed by state law (Title 23, Article 7, of the Colorado Revised Statutes of 1973, as amended) and by judicial decisions that apply to all public institutions of higher education in Colorado and is subject to change at any time. The college is required to apply the rules set forth in the law and does not have authority to make exceptions unless specifically permitted by law.

In-state status requires domicile in Colorado for one year prior to the first day of class. Domicile is defined as an individual’s true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation. An individual may only have one domicile at any one time.

At the beginning of the one year period, individuals are expected to take appropriate actions to demonstrate the intent to remain in Colorado permanently. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • surrendering legal ties with their former state of residence,
  • obtaining Colorado Driver’s License/Identification within the statutory period,
  • registering motor vehicle within the statutory period,
  • registering to vote in Colorado,
  • obtaining permanent employment in Colorado,
  • filing income tax in Colorado,
  • any other factors that document the individual’s intent to establish a permanent home in Colorado.

Individuals are qualified to begin the one year domicile period upon reaching 22 years of age, and thus would satisfy the one year domicile requirement at 23 years of age. The one year domicile period also begins upon marriage or emancipation if the individual is under 22 years of age. Individuals under the age of 23 are eligible for in-state tuition if a parent or court-appointed legal guardian meets the requirements of the tuition law.

The tuition law recognizes the special circumstances regarding military personnel, honorably discharged veterans, Olympic athletes, inmates, and recent Colorado high school graduates or GED recipients. Eligible non-U.S. citizens must provide immigration documents, which may include, but is not limited to I-94 Arrival-Departure Record, Permanent Resident Card, or other required documents.

Active duty members of the armed forces, as well as their spouse and dependent children, whose permanent duty station is in Colorado will be charged in-state tuition, even if the permanent duty station changes, as long as the student (armed forces member, their spouse or dependent child) is continually enrolled in classes. Service members should contact their military base Education Office for documentation which should be submitted to the Admissions & Records Office each semester.