LEO 209 Criminal Investigations for Law Enforcement

An overview of criminal investigations which includes protecting the crime scene, identifying the crime involved, conducting a proper search, sketching the crime scene, recording and preserving notes and synthesizing information into a final report, the proper attitude for the police officer, the need for the accurate data collection, the necessity for the thorough evaluation of a complainant, proper techniques for identifying, handling, collecting, marking and packaging types of evidence, physical evidence procedures, the chain of custody, proper interviewing techniques, Miranda Rights, procedures for verifying reliability and credibility of witnesses, fingerprinting techniques, investigations for criminal, sex crimes and death investigations, organized criminal activity and other criminal offenses, and narcotics and other dangerous drugs. 

4 hours lecture.




Must be 21 years old by Police Academy Graduation. Must meet standards set forth in R13-4-105 of the Arizona Administrative Code. LEO 200 or concurrent enrollment.