Social Justice

Interdisciplinary Program

Through the study of theory, empirical evidence, and literature across disciplines and discourses; analysis; experiential learning; and personal reflection, students pursuing a minor in Social Justice will: 

  • Identify and interrogate a variety of explanations for persistent social inequalities, such as personal/behavioral; systemic/structural; cultural; social-psychological analyses.
  • Understand the intersections of class, race, gender, sexuality, age, ability, and other elements of social location, as well as how these affect people’s access to social institutions, opportunities, and life outcomes.
  • Ground an analysis of social injustice in the perspectives of those who are marginalized in society.
  • Examine and interrelate the politics and economics of human development; the power dynamics in society; and the function and role of various intersecting social institutions, both private and public.
  • Articulate a vision of social justice from multiple perspectives.
  • Reflect on one’s own role in society related to power and privilege, agency, engaged citizenship, and social change.

Beau Weston (chair), Andrea Abrams, Richard Axtell, Amy Frederick, Matthew Kassner, Andrew Patrick, Ellen Prusinski, Jamie Shenton, Kaelyn Wiles 

Social Justice Courses

Course Descriptions