2020-2021 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

EDEC 202 Infant/Toddler and Preschool Children, Family, and the Community I

Overview of the diverse needs of young children, birth through 5, within the context of family, school, community, and society. Candidates examine the interplay of contemporary family living and cultural patterns on the social, emotional, and mental development of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in relationship to family, school, community, and society. Candidates gain an understanding of their professional role in supporting evidence-based practices that strengthen positive, respectful, collaborative family-child relationship through effective use of community and family resources. 





EDEC 101 and EDEC 106 or by permission of program coordinator


class='sc-courselink' href='/catalogs/central-connecticut-state-university/2020-2021/undergraduate-graduate-catalog/all-courses/edec-education-early-childhood/100/edec-102'>EDEC 102 or EDEC 104 or EDEC 203 or EDEC 206

General Education


  • Summer
  • Fall and Spring