Course Assessments

Students are responsible for completing an electronic assessment of their courses within Canvas.  Course assessments will be made available during the last two weeks (week 9 and 10) of the quarter and close before the final exam week begins. During the last 48 hours of the assessment period, students will be unable to access Canvas content until the course evaluations are completed. Students will receive an email with more detailed instructions before the assessment week.

Three weeks prior to each assessment period, the Academic Services department sends email notifications to remind students to complete upcoming quarterly course and shift assessments. Email reminders continue once per week for all students with pending assessments.

Faculty members receive email notifications from Faculty Services prior to the assessment start date as well as weekly emails with instructions and suggested student engagement strategies. The Academic Services department mailbox at may be used to provide anonymous input.

Department chairs submit a quarterly course assessment review form to the dean to confirm that all course assessments have been read and, if necessary, to propose solutions to areas of concern. The dean also uses the form to recommend resolutions to course assessment problems. Completed forms are retained in department files.

Weekend intensives and some other courses do not run an entire quarter. These courses will be assessed at the same time as all regular 11-week courses. Deans or department chairs wishing to have a course assessed before the official assessment period should provide Faculty Services with sufficient advance notice to prepare and post the course assessment for students to complete during class time.