Naturopathic Medicine Dual Degrees

There are a number of dual-degree options that allow students in the naturopathic medicine program to earn a second degree. Students in good standing wishing to pursue a dual degree are strongly encouraged to complete the biomedical sciences while on a four-year track. A second program will extend the time you will be at Bastyr and will most likely extend the time you spend in your original program by a year or more. Most of the dual-degree programs enable graduating with the ND and a master’s degree in a total of five years, if the student stays on track. The midwifery dual track is a minimum of six years.

Currently there are dual-degree options with the following programs: Acupuncture, Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine, Ayurvedic Sciences, Counseling and Health Psychology, and Midwifery. For additional information regarding the dual degrees, please contact the admissions department.

Students in the Bastyr University naturopathic medicine program who are academically in good standing have the opportunity to apply to several master's degree programs and become dual-degree students. This requires a formal application to the individual programs through the admissions department, followed by a joint interview by both departments.

ND students who are considering applying to a second degree program are strongly encouraged to be enrolled as four-year track students during their first two years of attendance. Students with advanced medical training, e.g., DC, DO or MD, must successfully complete the first year of study in their original program before acceptance into dual status. 

Naturopathic Medicine/Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Medicine Dual Degree

Students in the Bastyr University naturopathic medicine program who are academically in good standing have the opportunity to apply to the Master of of Science in Acupuncture (MSA) or the Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (MSAOM). This requires a formal application to the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine program through the admissions department.

Dual-degree applicants are able to utilize their basic science coursework in the naturopathic program toward their MSA or MSAOM.

Please note that some states require Chinese herbal training for acupuncture licensure. Please see the School of Traditional World Medicines' master’s program description for complete information on degree and licensing requirements.

ND/MSAOM students must complete 9 elective credits. ND/MSA students must complete 12 elective credits. For all dual-degree students, 5 of the elective credits must be from disciplines other than OM or CH. If a dual-degree student has waived a required course from either program, core course credit from the opposite program cannot be used to cover the waiver. Use of core credits would result in a shortage of overall credits.

Naturopathic Medicine/Ayurvedic Dual Degree

For more information please see Ayurvedic Sciences under the School of Traditional World Medicines.

Naturopathic Medicine/Counseling and Health Psychology Dual Degree

Students in the Bastyr University naturopathic medicine program who are academically in good standing have the opportunity to apply to the Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology (MACP). This requires a formal application to the counseling and health psychology program through the admissions department, followed by an interview with the counseling and health psychology department and the School of Naturopathic Medicine.

ND students who are considering applying to the counseling psychology master’s program as their second program are strongly encouraged to be enrolled as four-year track students during their first two years of attendance. Please contact the School of Natural Health Arts and Sciences for more information.

Naturopathic Medicine/Midwifery Dual Degree

Students in the Bastyr University naturopathic medicine program who are academically in good standing have the opportunity to apply to the Master of Science in Midwifery (MSMW) program. This requires a formal application to the department of midwifery through the admissions department, followed by an interview for qualified applicants by the admissions committee of the department of midwifery.

ND students who are considering applying to the department of midwifery as their second program are strongly encouraged to be enrolled as four-year track students during their first two years of attendance. Students who are accepted into the midwifery program must follow the dual-degree program outline. ND students will complete through their third year of the four-year track; then pause their ND program except for clinical training for one year while they complete their midwifery training; then return to complete the ND program requirements; then complete the MW requirements. The program takes a total of six years for those who follow the ND/MW track.

Please see the Department of Midwifery’s program overview for complete information on education objectives and the blended learning model.

Naturopathic Medicine/Public Health Dual Degree

Students in the Bastyr University naturopathic medicine program who are academically in good standing have the opportunity to apply to the Master of Public Health (MPH). This requires a formal application to the public health program through the admissions department, followed by an interview with the public health department and the School of Naturopathic Medicine.

ND students who are considering applying to the public health master’s program as their second program are strongly encouraged to be enrolled as four-year track students during their first two years of attendance. Please contact the School of Natural Health Arts and Sciences for more information.